The Philosophers will philosophical thinking die because of logic

Koby 2022-01-16 08:01:12

This movie is indeed quite controversial. For this movie, I just simply expressed my thoughts. Maybe I didn't understand it, or I didn't have philosophical thinking literacy at all, but I was willing to give it four points. The meaning of man, the meaning of mankind, is an important proposition in philosophical thinking, so what is the meaning? Philosophical thinking needs logic, but starting from logical argumentation, along with the conclusion that God is dead, many beliefs, beauty, distinctions, and animal humanity will end. Is the basis for the construction of human meaning still solid or has Not established! Another question to be considered at this time is, does a philosophy that originated from logic and died of logic must build all of its own on the basis of logic?
The outer framework of the story is nothing more than a teacher arranged a conscious blow in the course, but the simple plot deliberately applies a philosophical proposition, if you must die, who you choose to live.
The prelude to this philosophical thinking film are several frequently used propositions in several philosophy courses. Among them, the proposition of choosing to kill one person and save five people is often used to test the students of philosophy courses. It is said that a fast-moving train is about to run over. There are 5 people tied to a railroad track, and you can choose to change it in time, but there is a tied person on another track. Will you flip the switch? To put it another way, if the rails are monorail, but there is a fat man standing by the rails and pushing him on the rails can make the train derail, would you do this?
Let logic and reason occupy the perceptual territory with constant questioning. The ultimate thinking is that there is only reason and logic. What will the world be like? In other words, is the foundation of the human world and society based on logical thinking?
In the first doomsday simulation, the teacher was excluded because of dangerous, and he did not fully understand his skills. He is the only person who knows the escape code. After he told everyone the news, the movie fully described the tragedy of everyone in the secret room; for the second time, after giving all those who seemed useful the right to survive, he pursued survival. The goal of going down caused conflict. It is undoubtedly the nature of any species to make reproduction and continuation the goal of the group, but it completely ignores the feelings of each individual, and ultimately fails; the third time, the heroine gave up the logic , The self-reported logic has been confused, but there are still clearer clues to the purpose. A year’s time seems natural and smooth because of love and companionship. In the end, when the teacher tries to bring everyone back to logic and rationality, no one wants to Walking together, because when you give up logic, there is joy in life and meaninglessness in death.
As for philosophy, has it died with the abandonment of logic?
Or, philosophy is not entirely based on logic, because philosophy also needs to consider the feelings of each individual, and each individual has its own philosophy. The interest needs and goals of the group are the integration and refinement of individual goals, accompanied by the mutual compromise of individuals. This is the conclusion of the hedgehog heating problem, and as one of the consequences, there must be the incompleteness of individual interests. Just like democracy, there can be no real democracy, and there will always be minority reports. Acknowledging the incompleteness, then there should be eyes on the individual, for the individual, its own meaning is indispensable.
The continuation of a group is the meaning of a group. What is the most important meaning for an individual? Everyone looks at his own heart, and everyone needs to look at his heart to know and accept himself. Maybe there is no second possibility in life, maybe there is no other sky after death, maybe what really matters is not whether you are left behind. Rather, the process.

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After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.