A moment of perfection in the broken

Kimberly 2022-01-16 08:01:14

One day, my parents quarreled.

The instability of Messi's family was demonstrated from the beginning. This 6-year-old child seems to be too mature, even if he is awakened by the quarrel of his parents time and time again, he never quarrels-do you think how many years will it take to be so calm?
Both of her parents claimed to love her, and tried every means to win Messi's custody. But their ways of showing love are very failures, not only breaking the child's dream time and time again, but also letting her experience the feeling of being abandoned again and again-unaccompanied time for get out of class.
Although I am not sure whether Messi's dream is still war, or sweet and beautiful.

Later, they divorced and I have new "parents".

Messi is a girl who is a little too calm. Perhaps the problem with the marriage of her parents is so obvious that she is more like an adult, acting as a buffer for both parents in most of the time. She rarely acts as a coquettish and only plays quietly with her or her nanny Margo; facing her father or mother. The blatant disgust and spit on the other side that she showed in front of her, she can only bear it quietly-the bouquet of flowers from her father that was not allowed by her mother is the best example.
In order to win custody, Messie's parents remarried quickly in a short period of time. They all seem to be committed to Messi, but ironically, they all handed over the care of Messi to her new "parents" after winning custody. For Messie, the definition of "parents" seems ambiguous-Margo is a female character who has always been by her side, and the symbolic act of introducing her father to her classmates, the person introduced from her biological father Beale became the stepfather Lincoln.
Compared with the fullness of material conditions, the companionship of parents is obviously more important for young children. Messie smiled most happily in the movie only twice, once when her mother Susanna accompanied her at home to receive the children in Messi’s kindergarten, and the other time was when Lincoln took her to play in the park.
These two scenarios can be regarded as classic examples of family life. In Western families, most of the tasks of receiving good friends, preparing food, cakes, etc. are done by female characters (mothers) in the family; while taking the children to play in parks and grass, and accompany them to play various physical activities , Such thrilling and exciting games that show the powerful side of male Kongwu, such as lifting a child with one arm, are completed by the father. This is why Susanna is more competent than Beale: she will also play with Messi, take Messi to and from school, and take some caring actions that are more direct for Messi. And Beale was completely absent in Messi’s childhood, whether it was the “introduced father” part mentioned earlier, or playing with her, showing her the characteristics of male safety and strength; even briefly During the time he was granted custody of Messi, he did not do a good job in his father's role. The work of picking up Messi was mostly done by her former nanny and new mother Margo.
And Susanna is far from competent. She is jealous. When she sees Messi getting along with Lincoln or Margo, she will forcibly interrupt her, trying to bring Messi’s attention back to her body; when faced with the choice between desire, fame and wealth, and Messi, She always leaves Messi behind without hesitation and gives priority to satisfying herself; she shows Messi the malaise and madness of the adult world prematurely, but rarely shows the gentleness and tenderness of women-the former is based on Messi’s children. Take the example of scaring away immediately after seeing it, and Margo is more responsible for the latter.
It’s not that women can only be qualified like Margo, but when the children have not yet had enough judgment to form their own outlook on life and values, the adult world will be naked in front of her, is it really good? Looking at Messi who is still calm in the smoke of adults, don't you feel distressed for her? The reaction of the 6-year-old kid who was scared away is the most suitable behavior for this age, right?

In the end, the three of us chose our own wonderful.

Realizing that Messi's parents were just using themselves, both Lincoln and Margo chose to leave the two snobbish and selfish guys. But Lincoln and Margo have a softer heart that is more in line with parents. They both have more instinctive pity and love for Messi's situation, and even Messi herself. Even after they had an upset with Messie's parents, Lincoln and Margo did not completely abandon Messie, but replaced them when her parents were absent again.
But the four of them, unless there is Messi, are just strangers. This kind of rally centered on Messi will eventually break. The first to give up and leave Messi was Beale, the biological father who was missing the most in Messi's life.
Although Beale suggested that Messie should go with him before leaving, when Messie asked about meeting his mother Susanna, he simply gave up. Beale is an adult and Messi's biological father. Although he is dereliction of duty, he cannot fail to see through the deep meaning behind Messi's seemingly calm response and innocent and calm questions. Giving up might be his gentleness as a father, but why didn't he think that while Messi said that she needed a mother, she also needed a father to be with him?
Messie always seemed indifferent when facing disputes between her parents. After each quarrel, it seemed that the parents were comforting and comforting Messi, but it was always Messi who cooperated with her parents very well, pretending to be ignorant, and reassuring them. This may be the child's instinctive reaction when faced with a conflict, choosing an avoidance method to protect himself from harm. But when she found that conflict and abandonment always occurred inevitably, she also learned to refuse.
After Beale gave up and left, Susanna ran away for a short time due to the tour, Margo was missing, and Lincoln was busy at work that night, Messi's seemingly smooth expression finally broke. This time, she woke up from her dream and started crying instead of her usual quiet state. Until Margo appeared again to pick her up, her mental state returned to stability; and only after Lincoln joined them, she started crying. Be happy again—even if Susanna came to pick up Messi in the middle of the tour, she didn't want to leave—the ordinary but stable days must be the happiest time in Messi's short life. After seeing the natural and pure life brought to her by Lincoln and Margo, she has completely lost interest in the "adult world" presented by her mother. The sail that was raised the next day was not only the expectation for the trip to the sea that Beale had promised for a long time but never fulfilled, but also the deepest desire for a safe, warm and stable family life that has never been experienced.
Susanna seemed to finally understand this, and could only leave after emphasizing "You have to remember who your mother is" to Messi. It can be seen that in a child's childhood, a gentle mother, a strong father, the warmth of the family, and the company of both parents are what the child needs most. Although Messi is currently providing these, they are "new parents" who don't know how long their relationship can last. And the current seemingly stable situation may also be broken at any time like the previous balance.
But I still sincerely hope that the warmth and stability that Messi has gained this time, and the final brilliant smile, can last longer.

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What Maisie Knew quotes

  • Margo: I'm sorry I got mad at him. He must think I'm awful.

    Maisie: Mommy gets mad at him all the time.

  • Lincoln: I was bitten by a turtle once.

    Margo: Were you really?

    Lincoln: Yeah... yeah. It even left a scar if you...

    Margo: Rea... really?

    Lincoln: [shows Margo his bitten finger] It could've left a scar.

    [Margo laughs]

    Lincoln: It's that bad. It could've left a scar.

    Margo: Right, yeah. So, is it quite traumatic for you being back here with the turtles?

    Lincoln: [interrupting] It was. This is kinda like therapy for me.

    Margo: Oh! It is? Okay.

    Lincoln: Meeting the beast again.

    [Margo laughs]