I really want to write about my feelings about this movie

Kailyn 2022-01-13 08:01:20

First of all, I don't understand religion. I just want to talk about the little bit of feeling in my heart after watching this movie.

In fact, what impressed me the most was the comparison before and after the banquet. The people in the village were worried and afraid-the magic banquet, their horrified eyes and expressions of trepidation.

My focus is not on the above, but on: at a certain gathering before the banquet, the quarrels and contradictions between the villagers, people blame each other and complain each other, they can’t tolerate and forgive each other trivial matters.

During and after the banquet, the villagers changed. Their faces became ruddy and their eyes started to brighten. They marveled at the food under the knife and fork and the fine wine in the glass. They began to smile, they began to forgive each other, communicate and express their feelings. Expressing the joy and love in the heart, as well as the satisfaction with the food, the happiness suddenly bursts in the twin sisters' home. They no longer worry or fear, no longer blame and complain, and they are full of joy and happiness.

Suddenly I began to think about food. I remembered the happiness in the eyes of some of my friends after eating food. This happiness is contagious.

For people, food is no longer just another point of satisfaction, but opens a window of perception and expression in the heart. Food can open people’s hearts. Who says that enjoying appetite is not good, and people should learn to enjoy and perceive them. Only by learning understanding and tolerance.

I love food, and I will always be a happy foodie.

By the way, there is also in the movie: gourmets are also artists, and they also create happiness with people! !

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Babette's Feast quotes

  • Swedish Lieutenant: Lorens, how can a lieutenant of the Hussars let himself be defeated and disarmed by...

    Young Lt. Lorens Löwenhielm: By some long-faced sectarians who can't even afford salt for their soup? I can't forget the image of that lovely maiden.

    Swedish Lieutenant: You're a dreamer, Lorens.

    Young Lt. Lorens Löwenhielm: But I'd prefer to be like you. I will forget all that happened on the west coast. From now I shall look forward, not backward. I will think of nothing buy my career and someday I will cut a brilliant figure in the great, wide world.

  • Achille Papin: Love will unite us.


    Achille Papin: Love will unite us.