Vangelis and his "Conquer Heaven"

Margarette 2022-10-08 15:55:11

We will remember Columbus’s first landing on the American continent on the southern shore of Paria Bay as we remember other historical exam questions. The cruelty of history is often the case. Most of the time, it just sums up your life in one sentence, even though it is in your life. Full of countless suffering and frustration, pain and suffering. In 1492, Columbus was 41 years old. He was already a pretty good year in China. Before that, he had traveled to Portugal, Spain, England, and France respectively, and asked the king for funding to realize his plan to sail westward to reach eastern countries. Refuse. He was born in Italy and loves sailing and adventure. Before that, in the 13th century, the 17-year-old Marco Polo and his father and uncle traveled through the Middle East to reach the Mongolian Empire at that time for four years, and wrote the famous "Marco Polo's Travel Notes." , Which had a profound impact on later Columbus and other navigators. At the beginning of the movie "1492", Columbus and his son Ferdinand were sitting on a rock by the sea watching a boat drifting away until it disappeared. "What does it tell you, the earth is round, like this orange." The earth circle theory has begun to prevail, but there is no definite theoretical basis. People speculate based on the experience in life, and Columbus is also convinced, but unlike most people, he wants to prove him: if the earth is round, always Sail westward and eventually return to the point of departure one day. But sailing is not a person’s business. He needs a wealth of financial and material resources. Without the support of those in power, he would not be able to realize this dream. So he lobbied around. After ten years, he finally got the then Queen of Spain, Ashabe, in 1492. With Ra’s support, he started his first voyage in life.

In the movie "1492" there is such a scene before Columbus came to the priest to confess: Father, I betrayed my family, I betrayed my subordinates, betrayed you, and the journey is better than I said. Long, I'm not sure, no one knows. If I tell them, they won't go with me. How much he yearns for this trip, he clearly knows the difficulty of sailing in the unknown but still can overcome the fear in his heart, for the sake of dreams, for the existence of God. They sailed out of the Atlantic Ocean from the port of Baros, Spain on three sailing boats of over 100 tons, the Santa Maria, Pinda and Nina, and set off for their first voyage. .

Columbus clearly knew that the land must be there, not far away, just ahead, and could be reached right away. Even in the end, everyone began to doubt, anxious, and fear, but as if God had told him, he never doubted it from beginning to end. The existence of the New World "In the beginning, we are all afraid, but those who overcome fear will eventually get what they deserve. I don’t know if God’s will makes us cross the ocean, but I know that you put the fear on ours. In our hearts, if we believe in God and in ourselves, we will not get lost. People in the future will talk about the courage of the first person to cross the ocean and return." Finally, in almost despair, they ushered in the dawn, when Columbus passed through When he saw the lush greenery on the island of San Salvador from the heavy fog, he wielded a sword on his waist, stepped forward from the water, and knelt down on the land. What was his mood at that time: God will not abandon us? As long as you persist, the belief from beginning to end will never collapse? No one knows that only those who persist in their dreams and finally reach the other side can truly experience it.

The American continent will not suddenly exist because of the arrival of Columbus. He has already existed. Tens of thousands of years ago, hundreds of thousands of years ago, but the progress of civilization was different. Columbus knew this well. He wanted to dream and those who followed him wanted to spice. And gold, for the so-called wealth. Columbus coexisted with the natives in a peaceful way, but the integration of different civilizations had never experienced war. When they returned to the American continent, they built houses, planted crops, built churches, and cultivated faith, but it was useless, humans. The selfishness and greed of this is destined to be a colonial plunder, so they kill each other. "Maybe hope is only in the journey. Everything is possible at the beginning. Every expectation, every dream, no one expects it to be easy. This It’s not what I expected." In Columbus’s mind, the New World is like his paradise. People are naked and lead a life like the Garden of Eden, but it’s ridiculous that almost everyone with faith in their hearts should do it for their own dream. Prayer, regret when it is not realized, and loss when it is realized, just like the apple orchard where Newton was lost on the night when Bruno doubted God. In the storm, the cross collapsed suddenly. It was a spiritual struggle a hundred times more difficult than Columbus's voyage.

Only those who have experienced thousands of tempers and are reborn from the ashes can be worthy of being a great person. Columbus returned to Spain, saw his son, met the queen, hugged his wife tightly in the church, and he had to sail. That was his fourth and last voyage. "Life is full of imagination, beyond you." dream".

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1492: Conquest of Paradise quotes

  • Columbus: Paradise and hell both can be earthly.

  • Sanchez: [Columbus stops Sanchez after he leaves an audience with the Queen. Sanchez looks at him, disgusted] You're a dreamer.

    Columbus: [shooting a glance out of a window] Tell me, what do you see?

    Sanchez: [pausing to look] I see rooftops, I see palaces, I see towers, I see spires that reach... to the sky! I see civilisation!

    Columbus: All of them built by people like me.

    [Sanchez doesn't respond - shocked]

    Columbus: No matter how long you live, Sanchez, there is something that will never change between us. I did it. You didn't.