At sea, Captain Hiramatsu rushed in and questioned Columbus: You said that in only six weeks, 750 leagues, we have already passed, how far is it?
Columbus closed the window and told him: I don't know.
Hiramatsu: You deceived us! The crew is about to riot! Tell them yourself.
Columbus walked out of the cabin, and the topless crew stood under the scorching sun, with a white salt owl on their shoulders.
Columbus said: When we find land, your children and grandchildren will ask about you. You can tell them proudly that I was on the Pinto.
People are willing to endure suffering for great significance.
Where is my new world?
Sometimes there is a feeling of being very unreal, it feels like a tree, the root system has not penetrated deep into the soil. Like a bird, living indoors, longing and fearful of the storm outside.
Although Moseska in the movie is a villain, her actions are indeed elegant.
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