
Joannie 2022-10-03 23:42:03

Specimen films of American action films in the 1970s were not intense or popular, just like action films made in Hong Kong's golden period. They were simple and down-to-earth, but they had already begun to save the planet and all mankind. It is a good dessert that can be used as a pastime after a meal.
Shange Yunton died nine times, just for revenge, "As long as you can't kill me, I will kill you." The little gangsters on the street often say this too, but Shange Yunton played the truth in the movie. . This is supposed to be a small film, and the tracking of the sewers and the ground and underground in the wilderness is also thrilling. It is very green, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly. What’s especially valuable is that the villain was chosen so well. It was wild and banditry from the inside out. The melee in the rain was very enjoyable. It showed that the screenwriter was very simple and did not let the villain be struck by lightning inexplicably. It definitely showed To the sincerity to the audience due.

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Cyborg quotes

  • Pearl Prophet: Why did you help me?

    Gibson Rickenbacker: I thought it was somebody else.

  • Fender Tremolo: First there was the collapse of civilization: anarchy, genocide, starvation. Then when it seemed things couldn't get any worse, we got the plague. The Living Death, quickly closing its fist over the entire planet. Then we heard the rumors: that the last scientists were working on a cure that would end the plague and restore the world. Restore it? Why? I like the death! I like the misery! I like this world!