If you don’t know how to take care of others, please go away

Jerod 2022-01-16 08:01:14

Watching a movie at night is really more interesting than usual. So, I wrote this thing after watching "What Maisie Knew" in the middle of the night.

This film was shot around Maisie. It was a kid To tell us the world in the eyes of children. Maisie’s parents are not harmonious in the movie. Maisie’s mother Susana is a dead rock star. And his father Bill is an art dealer who is too focused on his own business. The two of them. They didn’t care about Maisie at all. But the two were fighting for custody rights because of Maisie. However, the two sought out Lincoln and Margo in order to create a better life for Maisie. The two were fighting for Maisie, but they didn’t care about her true thoughts. Except for Lincoln and Margo...(not spoiler. Because it's really good..

Maisie is a beautiful and innocent girl. But she knows a lot. You can definitely praise a girl who is a personal favorite. It's a pity. The parents did not treat Maisie as their own child. Sadly. Maisie is more like a toy. An adult’s toy. Tell Maisie how much you cherish when you like it. You can dislike it, but it's like a ball. Regardless of everything Kick to each other. Sometimes I think. This is not a movie. It is also true that it will happen around us. Often. We can see many families wishing for the birth of a new life. However, once the parents break, think this is it. A burden. It’s ridiculous. When I had a child, I didn’t think about what would happen in the future. I can always brag about how much I will cherish my child in the other person anywhere. If you really don’t know how to take care of others , Please leave... I hate many parents who give birth to their children. Maybe they are taking care of them carefully in the initial stage. But the problem. The children are innocent. But they are not spoiled for the sake of bringing you happiness. There is a saying. Raising a child is a hundred years old, and a long worry is ninety-nine. Don’t you know that children should be cultivated as the focus of parents? If you have to take care of work and children, can you give priority to work and family Separation. It does not mean that you can have children without working. Taking care of children can not work. Rather, taking care of children as a priority. Because the job is gone. You can find it. And children’s impression of you is a lifetime.

The front of this film was really boring. It seemed boring. But later. With the breakdown of the family. Stepfather and stepmother Lincoln and Margo intervened. It seems that Maisie's life has become extraordinary. Taking care of children is not a difficult task. It is you. Devotion.

If it's just talking about it. Please think about whether to give birth to one. I really want to tell those parents who gave birth to children. They don't care about it. You are not humans. They are not. Your toy. Not your accessory. It's your treasure.

Finally, in Maisie, I lived with my stepfather and stepmother in a seaside cottage, and my mother was going to pick her up. I went on a tour with her to other places. Maisie didn't follow. Because the next day they were going to take the boat together. And why is the boat far more important than the mother? I think because it is a promise. Maisie's father promised her to take her on the boat. But then he went on a honeymoon with his stepmother. . Then too many things happened. It still didn’t happen. So this is Maisie resolutely not leaving with her mother. And staying. Sometimes children really care about what you said. But the parents don’t take it to heart. .Always rashly agree to the word. The world of children is very simple. As long as you fulfill your small promise to them. It is enough. At the end, Maisie rushes to the boat. It’s really beautiful and awesome. It fully expresses Maisie's expectation and excitement of taking the boat. And the small and fresh insertion of the ending song (Lucy Schwartz-Feeling of Being) is more beautiful.

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What Maisie Knew quotes

  • Margo: I'm sorry I got mad at him. He must think I'm awful.

    Maisie: Mommy gets mad at him all the time.

  • Lincoln: I was bitten by a turtle once.

    Margo: Were you really?

    Lincoln: Yeah... yeah. It even left a scar if you...

    Margo: Rea... really?

    Lincoln: [shows Margo his bitten finger] It could've left a scar.

    [Margo laughs]

    Lincoln: It's that bad. It could've left a scar.

    Margo: Right, yeah. So, is it quite traumatic for you being back here with the turtles?

    Lincoln: [interrupting] It was. This is kinda like therapy for me.

    Margo: Oh! It is? Okay.

    Lincoln: Meeting the beast again.

    [Margo laughs]