All is oneself's king!

Hillary 2022-01-14 08:01:35

Everyone is his own king.
I love this "The King's Team", and each of Sean Penn and Jude Law has an extremely brilliant interpretation. I stayed up late to watch this film last night. Because I was deeply shocked and couldn't fall asleep for a long time, I just got up and read the comments of the audience and film critics, trying to find resonance and a deeper interpretation. Looking at it carefully, there are many comments about bad movies, which is really speechless. If you don't like it, you won't be able to deny it to a bad film, right? To be honest, movies are required by the audience, and there is no movie that everyone likes and everyone is satisfied. To sum up the comment with "bad film", I can only say that it is too biased and irresponsible.
Jude Law’s interpretation of Jack is in place. A young man with idealistic sentiments, he is firm and unremitting in pursuit of his ideals and justice. He appreciates Jack’s persistence and loyalty to his dreams, even in the face of In the difficult choice of family, friendship and love, he still chose to be loyal to his heart. Seeing this, his heart especially wanted to applaud him. What is touching is Jude Law’s grasp and interpretation of the role. The handsome Luo’s temperament is very consistent with this role, and he accurately expresses Jack’s confusion and persistence. Jude Law itself has a kind of aristocratic temperament. This feature is also well demonstrated in China.
Sean Penn is an old dramatist who vividly expresses the madness of a lower-level person with beliefs and pursuits to chase dreams. I have seen many film critics saying that they don’t like Sean Penn’s performance because he played so hard that he has done it. In fact, my opinion is the opposite. I think Sean Penn’s interpretation of Willie is also Extremely in place, a small citizen with a sense of justice, a low-level person who is fanatical in pursuit of ideals. His neurotic madness is also the hot spot for him to attract Jack and the low-level people. He has the perseverance and enthusiasm for relentless pursuit of dreams. From the bottom of his heart, he wants to do things for the people at the bottom and seek welfare. Of course, the ultimate real goal is to realize his own ideals and political ambitions. His madness is the focus of his attention. Sean Penn is perfect. It reproduces the difficulty and hard work of a small person trying to rise to the top of politics. Of course, you can dislike the role of Willie Stark. At least, I don’t like Willie, but it does not affect my love for Sean Penn. He has never played it. It is his precise grasp and perfect interpretation that make us have the likes and dislikes of this role. You can have them, but please don’t insult Sean Penn. He played very well. This role makes He should be able to grasp and perform, and there is no possibility of insufficient acting skills or over acting. Willie Stark is indeed crazy. If he is not like that, how can he attract Jack to be his staff? How can he step into the political core circle from the bottom? ! Therefore, Sean Pan’s acting skills and interpretation are beyond doubt!
Now let’s talk about the role of Annie. This is a fantastically beautiful and unreal image. At least in Jack’s heart, he has always enshrined Annie as a goddess in his heart, so much so that when Annie is lying naked. When he was in bed, he couldn't complete the sublimation of their love as he imagined. He didn't love Annie as a woman, but as a dream, a goddess to love, he could only look at it from a distance, and enshrine it in his heart. In the words of our ancestors, "you can watch from a distance but not play with it"! Therefore, when Annie sinks into Willy's lover, his painful eyes and staggering steps penetrate the screen, only piercing my heart. It is the pain of a broken dream, and the sinking of the goddess falling into the dust...
Regarding the smile that Jack opened to Annie before getting off the car when he was looking for Ya, I also comforted him. He has successfully dealt with the ups and downs in his heart and comforted the flustered Annie with the smile and warmth of a friend. At this time, They are no longer lovers, but friends.
Regarding Adam, I have the same feelings with a film friend. I feel that his feelings for Jack are more than just friendship. In my feeling of watching movies, he and Annie both love Jack. They are childhood sweethearts. Small, grow up happily together. Slowly, (to be completed) the

film is also very perfect in structure. The floor of Louisiana appeared at the beginning, and at the end, the blood of Willie Stark and Adam slowly The ground winds and converges together. This picture freezes as the ending. What is the metaphor?
...To make up after

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All the King's Men quotes

  • Willie Stark: Time brings all things to light, I trust it so.

  • Jack Burden: The friend of your youth is the only friend you'll ever have. For he doesn't really see you. He sees in his mind a face which doesn't exist anymore, speaks a name... Spike, Bud, Red, Rusty... Jack... that belongs to that now nonexistent face. He's still the young idealist you used to be, still sees good and bad in black and white and men as sinners or saints but never both and feels superior in the knowledge that you no longer can distinguish the two. That's what drives you to it. To try to stick the knife in. There is a kind of snobbery in failure like the twist to the mouth of a drunk.