First Daughter

Marcia 2022-10-02 12:51:48

I really want to yell SO!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!! Are these two people together? ! But it is indeed considered to be together... [Well, I am struggling with something by myself]
Very sad, very sad, very sad, very sad, Roman holiday. In fact, what excites me the most in this movie is that the male protagonist is called MARC!!!!!!! Ah ah ah and our god is the same name! ! ! I love this hero! ! !
She looks so handsome~~~ Forgive me for not realizing that Tang Sao is so beautiful! ! Everyone really only realizes Tang Ge’s handsomeness and ignores Tang Sao’s beauty~~~ I like this kind of obedient actress~~~ [So I really don’t want to see a woman like Julie] Acting skills are also Not bad, not bad~~~
Puff haha, that makes James jealous is so cute~~~especially pole dancing~~I don’t know if it should be sweet or something...Look at kiss after putting Sam on the bed People are so sad...I love such a boy the most... Silently loves something...
I was so horrified to see the eldest sister in ACS... I was shocked. Because I watched ACS so many times and I saw this woman, I got goose bumps....It
's a good film in campus movies~~~ and the casting is very good~~~The first daughter looks soft and weak. It's so cool to have a bodyguard with muscles. I sigh that Katie is really tall...Why do you like to look for taller brother Tang...
The people who watch this drama are very happy and don't know why~~~~~ I should watch more when I have time. Hmm a few times!
Great movie~~!

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First Daughter quotes

  • James Lansome: Brazil's the only country named after a tree. Bagged lettuce that you buy at the store, they wash it in chlorine.

    Samantha Mackenzie: The little parallelogram above your top lip is called a filtrum. Five years, half a decade, is a lustrum.

    James Lansome: Every state in the Union has a town called Springfield. Male turtles grunt, female turtles hiss.

    Samantha Mackenzie: The difference between a fruit and a vegetable - off the vine fruit ripens, a vegetable just rots.

    James Lansome: Spread your arms just like this, middle finger to middle finger, it's equivalent to your height.

    Samantha Mackenzie: Distance from your wrist to your elbow is the length of your foot.

    James Lansome: Your ears and nose never stop...

    James LansomeSamantha Mackenzie: Growing

    James Lansome: Right.

  • Samantha Mackenzie: All I want is normal, Mia.