Water knife

Jana 2022-01-10 08:02:43

In the water knife
, bad blue-eyed

Jewish director Roman Polanski’s debut work "Water Knife" tells such a weird and thought-provoking story. A middle-class couple met a poor boy backpacker on a weekend sailing vacation. They were inexplicable. Yes, the host invited the poor boy on the boat to experience the middle-class customs. The poor boy followed with curiosity and spent a very unpleasant night on this narrow boat.

Roman Polanski was only 27 years old when "Knife in the Water" was filmed. 27 years old, what are we doing? Girls make-up shopping, be careful, think about robbing, lest you become a leftover girl? Boys with beards and pretending to be deep-blooded girls squeeze their heads and climb up with inflammation? ...This is all about pursuing and realm. More people in the 27-year-old Seagull are probably just living in a muddle every day.

The 27-year-old Polanski used only three people, a broken sailing ship and a piece of the sea to portray all kinds of life vividly. We often say "master". The master really has nothing to do with age. It was born by accident and developed extremely unfairly. When the masters made their move, others only sighed that they were "really masters".

Of course, like the famous "Mulholland Road", 10,000 people watched the movie and there were 10,000 different interpretations. Most people interpreted this story as a metaphor of class, thinking it was a contest between men and aimed to win In the favor of women, although middle-class men are strong and rich, they still can’t fight against young, wild, and reckless young people. "Sword in the water" is a clear metaphor. The sharp young man is only suitable for the thorny jungle and the magnificent sea. He is powerless, faultless, and ignorant. The hostess once said: Sailing is an adult’s business, in this sentence.
The adult world is boring and boring in Polanski's eyes. This can be seen from the expressions and movements of the couple in a private car at the beginning of the film. The expressions of men and women are insensitive, full of boredom and Not reconciled, but life will always continue, and the fat horse is light, and there is no need to worry about food and clothing, what right do you have to complain to life? This is the case for most adult marriages. There are no surprises, but tasteless food. It is just a habitual maintenance without any joy or excitement. The behavior of sailing is like going to bed on a routine basis. It is only hope that His behavior can bring novelty, but it should be disappointed every time, and hope after disappointment, and life will go away a little bit like this.

The intrusion of the young man is like a beast. He opened the adult man’s wild dreams about the passing years and opened the door and window of the adult woman’s love and desire. When the three people sat next to each other naked, three kinds of ghostly eyes Intertwined and collided back and forth in the cramped small space, it seems very content. Perhaps the most touching thing about the whole film is that when the game bets, the woman asks men to plug their ears to listen to the radio, and she slowly sings a song for young people that does not know the lyrics clearly. In this song, there is a deep sleep. The innocence and the shyness of decay and death. In short, after singing this song, the pattern of three people is completely broken. The young man senses the "lost hope", and the woman also realizes the lust that is awakening. Although the man is wearing earplugs, he It was obvious that "something dangerous" was approaching.

The ending of the film was unexpected. After setting the alarm clock at five in the morning, the man fell asleep with his head covered, the woman sat on the deck and smoked with insomnia, the young man slipped onto the deck and climbed up the garden pole to challenge the so-called danger. The man woke up midway and watched. Everything on the deck became irritated. He threw away the young man’s knife. The young man jumped into the water. When he didn’t come up again, the woman jumped into the water to save him. He accused the man of being a liar and murderer. The man was at a loss and confronted the woman in a panic. He scolded and jumped down to find someone. The young man was actually not dead. He lied. In fact, he could swim. When he climbed onto the boat, the woman beat him and said that he was no different from the man. They were both liars and held by two people. The kiss finally broke the taboo and succeeded in affair. Then the young man came ashore, and the woman returned to her calm expression. From beginning to end, she said nothing, or even said goodbye, quietly coming and going quietly, as if nothing happened.

The man and the woman met on the shore. The man decided to call the police. The woman told him that the young man was not dead and confessed that they were cheating. The man denied it out of dignity.

Most of the life of an adult is dirty, consisting of lies, hypocrisy, covering up, perfunctory, and messing around. No one is cleaner than anyone, and everyone knows that no one is willing to criticize from the height of cleanliness and morality. Who, so even if a man kills someone, a woman steals it, even if the murder is attempted, even if the affair is successful, it doesn’t mean anything. This is all part of life, just like all the problems that can be encountered in sailing, gales, waves, Under clear skies and rain, young people will be at a loss or even confused when facing everything, while adults will be able to deal with everything easily regardless of the situation. The big package prepared by the couple before boarding is proof that it contains all kinds of props to deal with all situations, swimsuits, sweaters, pajamas, various foods, and even pots. So no matter what happens, they can face it easily and completely. Hold live, this is also a realm that young people cannot reach, but one day, he will be so familiar, time is a matter of time.
The knife in the water, a gentle blow, is also an occasional opportunity for people floating in the clouds to be more authentic. For men, this knife is a tribute to the wildness of the past that cannot be returned, and for women, it is impossible to return. The innocent regrets of the past are, for young people, a declaration of war on an invisible future. The 27-year-old Polanski filmed "Knife in the Water", allowing adults all over the world to brainstorm. What else can we say besides paying tribute? Such a similar life.

2012/12/6 14:08 Beijing.

There are also a few points that are quite interesting to discuss.

1. Although sailing sounds very luxurious, it is actually just a broken ship, and it is full of water. It needs to be scooped out manually. This should be the metaphor of life that seems to be colorful, but it is actually broken.

2. During the voyage, the young man kept emphasizing that he likes to walk, because he could not control the sailing of "adults". Later, when a section of the boat sailed smoothly at sea, he grasped the sails and stepped on both feet. Walking on the water in a low posture. Young people’s impulse and yearning for unknown things still cannot get rid of their inherent safety. At this stage, a pauper living in a six-person dormitory, walking is the safest way of life for him, because he always meets willingness The person who took him a ride.

3. At the end of the story told by the male host, a sailor who had softened his feet after landing for a year, but he didn't know it and dared to jump on the broken glass. The ending is known to everyone. This is his reflection and review of himself.

4. When the young man came ashore, the conversation, the humiliation of a woman to him, the six-person dormitory, you want to sleep and others are still playing cards, and you want to untie the girl’s coat but are afraid that she will catch a cold. It was her complaint of all the grief and indignation that she had experienced. Not surprisingly, she was once very poor and loved some poor boys. Later, she chose to marry in the middle class and lead a life without worry and fun. Of course, it can also be understood that this middle class is also transformed from such a poor boy, so he has such complicated feelings for young people, but later he succeeded, crossing the jungle to the sea, occupying beautiful women, and possessing Wealth is on the same level as life, but what did he get?

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Knife in the Water quotes

  • Andrzej: When I was an apprentice helmsman, we had a bosun - Krystyna, what was his name? The guy with the willow. He'd say: see that willow? It was an oak. If the bosun says it's a willow, it's a willow. "To the willow, quick march!"

    Young Boy: Shit. Excuse me. So much water in there.

    Andrzej: We'd sit on that willow maybe an hour at a time.

    Young Boy: On that oak.

    Andrzej: Willow, for us. And he made us go "cuckoo".

    Young Boy: Made you do what?

    Andrzej: Make a cuckoo sound. Like the bird.

    Young Boy: And you cuckooed.

    Andrzej: He wasn't all that smart but he turned us into men.

  • Andrzej: Better get back to that line.

    Young Man: Who are you ordering around?

    Andrzej: If two men are on board, one's the skipper.

    Young Man: Or the drill sergeant.