This is actually an environmental thriller~~~~

Elenor 2022-06-02 23:51:00

This is actually an environmentally friendly thriller, which mainly tells the story of the contaminated water source and the collective death of the residents of the small town infected with the deadly virus.

It may be that the trailer of this film is more exciting, which gave me many imaginations outside of movies. For example, in a dark night, a quiet town, people fleeing, and swift zombies roar and pounce. . . . . .

As a result, when I watched the feature film, I have been looking forward to such a scene. Unfortunately, this movie is not a zombie film, but a sci-fi viral film similar to "Extreme Panic". This made me greatly discounted the expected value of this film in my heart.

Well, I'd better look at this film as objectively as possible, after all, this is the horror parody documentary I have been looking forward to.

This film is more biased towards the old-fashioned imitation documentary, using a large number of informative videos (news videos and personal videos, etc.) to piece together, trying to present a panoramic view of a deadly virus infection.

News video, computer video, mobile phone video, security surveillance and other shooting techniques were used in the film. And adopt the realistic method of news documentary to show the whole process of the death tragedy of the original peaceful and healthy town of humans and animals.

As an imitation documentary, this film is qualified. But if you look at the film from the perspective of a horror film, the horror effect of this film is not satisfactory.

This film wastes too much time telling the audience where the source of the virus comes from, and how the two scientists first discovered these parasites. However, the film has been deliberately avoiding the horror scenes after the virus outbreak. , The most is to show the nausea pustules on the infected person.

But these are too pediatrics for me, they can't satisfy me at all.

It wasn't until the movie progressed to 2/3 that it gradually entered the state of a horror movie. A small town at night began to appear in the screen, with various corpses lying on the street, and people who did not know the truth began to face unknown fears.

But don't be too happy. At the end of the movie, there is a zombie-like infected person who attacks people, and then it ends quickly.

The whole process of watching the movie was like keeping me eating desserts. I finally waited until a plate of beef tongue, and just had a few mouthfuls, I was suddenly told that the dinner was over.

The director hopes that he is making an environmentally-conscious thriller rather than a biochemical horror film.

Another problem with the movie is that it lacks thrilling scenes. It uses too many real life-like techniques, but it lacks thrilling action scenes. For example, in "Video of Death" and other films, first-person visual combat and escape plots.

It is also possible that the director of the film is possessed by Wen Qing and despise the vulgar horror films, so he wants to make a connotative environmentalist horror film, but the film lacks the atmosphere of "Smart: Hell Record".

The director has been working hard to serve as the function of Google News Video, showing all the videos related to the small town virus incident, dedicated to the authenticity of the incident, showing the life of the characters in the incident, but lacks the relevance between the characters. And increase the audience of the main characters.

As a result, the film still lacks a tense atmosphere of group events and butterfly effect. Although the film is about the same thing, everyone still considers different things. Although there are scenes of a group of infected people crying and crying for their mothers in the movie, the few characters that often appear in the movie still lack the sense of crisis of sharing the same fate with the breath.

Of course, these views are just my wishful thinking.

Maybe the director just wants to make a realistic environmental thriller.

This kind of subject matter should be photographed most in our country. With so many heavily polluted areas, no matter how dirty the United States is, we can also sigh in the face of it!

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