
Pasquale 2022-01-11 08:03:05

When expressing all kinds of obstacles and powerlessness, I feel more strongly that it is a kind of responsibility to write something about it.

Takahata Hoon is a metaphor master. This is not only because he used a lot of detailed visual presentations in "My Neighbor Yamada-kun" and this film, such as my father riding a family car and struggling forward on the road of life, and the family enjoys being in the clouds. For example, the excavator cannibalize the beautiful leaves, and the human beings are powerfully changing the world like the Buddha. These metaphors are not necessarily novel individually, but their arrangement and connection method (such as the speed of each scene, the creation of an idea) The density, rhythm, etc.) of the metaphorical arrangement, coupled with the cute but not greasy style of Takahata’s film, can be said to be clever. But this is not the point. The important thing is that Takahata uses a big metaphor in the two-hour film to express a heavy topic full of reality: the "fusion" in "Heisei Tanuki War".

This film is not criticizing "human beings", not being environmentally friendly or caring for animals, not knowing about the development of temperance, etc., not at all; it is about expressing the inevitability of integration and the pain and loss in the process.

First of all, the "enemies" of civet cats, human beings-or the unilateral enemies of civet cats, because humans did not consciously treat the civet cats as enemies and try to destroy them-are not evil, in fact humans are full of happy curiosity (face The joy during the ghost parade), friendly acceptance, kind sympathy (proactively stretch out the olive branch of communication to interview civet cats, children feed civet cats, post attention signs on the road), grasp of beauty, gentle nostalgia (face The last idyllic illusion), the hard work facing life... All of this is so worthy of praise, but it still makes the civet lose its paradise. But it's not the civet cat's fault. They are so cute and they have the right to live and enjoy happiness naturally. Gonda angrily questioned: "Why do we limit the population; it should be the human limit!" In fact, the legitimacy of the two things is equivalent, but the power is different. In order to defend their natural rights, the two sides kill each other. And what should happen is happening at its own pace, and it is exactly what the civet cat who came back after looking for the elder three years ago said: "Everything has changed!" As the so-called helplessness, the flowers fell.

The film uses a pair of symbols throughout the film from the beginning: two forms of civet cats-human-shaped civet cats (not transformed into human forms) and cat-shaped civet cats. The human-shaped civet picks up the TV to watch human trends, loves to eat McDonald’s, and rationally proposes a response strategy, "like a human" (and in order to regain identification, it turns back to a cat-shaped civet when hearing such an evaluation), and even when it needs to and Humans communicate in human language and in human space. This implies that the civet cats are doomed to "fail." From the beginning of the movie, the cat-shaped civet cat jumped from a cloud of smoke to the human-shaped civet cat, it was doomed to "nowhere to go, they all have to die"; the position of the civet cat was doomed to be lost from the beginning. All those who "teach barbarians to develop skills to control barbarians" are doomed to "fail," and then they become barbarians. To control barbarians is nothing more than opposing themselves. How can they succeed? That fundamentalist-style territorial protection and isolation is logically Just won't work. The thinking must be changed before the egg can stand up-although the fox's suggestion is cunning, in the end, the civet cat embarked on a fox-like path.

The last pain and the compromise after the sacrifice, the companions who can’t transform go into and out of the garden of the human family, stay on the reservation, and get the care of human beings. The companions who can transform will live like foxes among the crowd, even though this is not. The most beautiful heaven is always the worst reality. All of this is achieved through communication: attracting attention through ghost parade, conveying voice through television interviews, showing beauty to the other party with the final green illusion, and awakening the other party’s heart; and through these activities, the civet cat has also realized that “human beings are very much after all. Powerful". Communication helped the civet cat to break through the illusion, and at the same time establish the hope of reality, especially when they saw human beings admiring their green illusion, they finally exclaimed "Maybe we should reveal ourselves earlier". Yes, communication will always overcome barriers. Although the wishes of the human side are not expressed from the first perspective, they are conveyed to the audience through actions that can be observed by a third party. In terms of the spirit of communication and respect, the "humanity" in the film has made a real human example.

We, not just humans, but other creatures and other existences, have only one space where we must live together. The small one can be the valley where the two villages coexist, and the large one can be the whole universe of Star Wars. In the era of globalization, it is often defined as the "earth." Different races, different species, one grass and one tree, one mountain and one river, they grow by themselves, but once they enter a common space, an inevitable connection will occur. Whether it is ethnic relations, human-animals or human-natural relations, it must move toward "fusion." Be open and tolerant towards those who live together, no matter if he is strong or he is weak. Naturally, some of these are too ideal and may not be suitable for handling every specific matter; but without this ideal, the final result of the matter will definitely not develop in the ideal direction. This is a good enlightenment and vigilance for us in the reality that is full of various conflicts (national, ethnic, civilized, species, metaphysical...) in the depths.

Many fans of Ghibli, as well as the boss of Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki, have said, “Environmental protection is a misunderstanding of Ghibli”, so the metaphor of "Heisei Tanuki" is an excellent interpretation of this proposition: it is In expressing higher-level and more general themes than environmental protection (including animal protection).

In addition, thinking of what Plato said, city states are capitalized people; then these metaphors and enlightenments for governing the country can also have an effect on self-cultivation and understanding of personal growth. Of course, one flower and one world, but every piece of pure land must be cultivated by society. This process is painful or happy (according to the thinking of "Heisei Tanuki", it is probably more painful), we can only face, accept, and recognize , Do it hard; otherwise, at best, it will become a firework for a moment and then regretfully die out. However, even if you grow up, don't forget your past, don't forget your partners, don't forget what sympathy for latecomers can be like, otherwise it is not to abandon them, but to abandon yourself and make yourself rootless. If we love ourselves, we must not be willful. If we love ourselves, we must be compassionate and willful, leaving it a reservation. You and yourself must live together, communicate, and merge.

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Pom Poko quotes

  • Kiyo: So, what about the hunter song?

    Shokichi: Oh. My dad used to sing it to me, when I was just a cub.

    Kiyo: Sounds like your father was kind of strange.

    Shokichi: M-hm. He'd sing, "Fried 'em up and ate 'em" really loudly. And then he'd give me a lecture.

    Kiyo: About what?

    Shokichi: He'd say, "Did you hear that, son? Even in children's nursery rhymes, humans sing about how they love to shoot us, and then fry us up. Humans are sick, cruel, heartless beasts, and don't you forget it, Shoukichi."

  • Seizaemon: All pray!

    [the tanuki put their hands together and bow]

    Osho: I'd like to say a prayer for the victims of this operation.

    [At this point, some of the tanuki start to snigger]

    Osho: We wish that we could save our forest without harming any humans. That was never our intention, but our forest is near and dear to us, and we...

    [the tanuki all burst into raucous laughter and head for the exit]