The beauty is like a painting, the price is free

Tamara 2022-01-15 08:01:52

A wealthy family, a successful career, a caring and considerate husband, a handsome son, and an artistic daughter. Everything looks so perfect, the standard lady's life style. But Emma's life is like this home, with emptiness and loneliness hidden beneath the magnificent surface.

I accidentally saw Beta's letter to Edo: You are the only person who likes my nature. Bringing out the secret that Beta likes the same sex, Emma is more touched than being alarmed. The daughter's love for a woman did not cause her too much panic, and it may also be due to cultural differences between the West and the East. Beta appeared at the airport again, dressed in casual clothes with crisp short hair, unlike the little fresh woman who looked back on the lawn before. Emma acquiesced and did not even respond to the boyfriend who Beta threw down to pick up the plane. The coming out of her daughter ignited her desire to pursue herself.

So she let herself have throbbing and longing for Antonio. I have been thinking if this kid is not a chef, will this passion be ignited? The food and color are also good. When she tasted the prawns with relish, the air was filled with ambiguous breath. As she told Antonio: Make that fish soup when she is upset, this is the only moment when she feels that she is still a Russian.

After losing love, she resolutely decided to live the free life she wanted, pursuing the sky that had been imprisoned for a long time. That scene is really enjoyable, Tilda goddess Fan upper body, the music night is just right. This is a literary film, a literary film through and through. From the heroine to the plot, from the soundtrack to the picture, it is enough to make me fall for such a pseudo-text.

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Extended Reading

I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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