I want to live with you, always want

Rodrigo 2022-10-29 06:10:41

I have been immersed in Hollywood movies for too long, but I only know the Coen brothers and not the Dardenne brothers in Belgium. Such a fresh and straightforward, full of humanistic care, made me fall in love with the two-win Cannes Palme d'Or director.
The story is as simple and clear as the title-the experience of a teenager and his bicycle. The father sold the bicycle to express his break with his son; Samantha bought the bicycle and gave Cyril another home; by robbing and repairing the car, the gangsters wooed and used Cyril. The three things represent separation, care and confusion, which everyone will experience when they are young. Although the experience of foster care and robbery and wounding may not be representative, the emotions and connotations are universal. Cyril finally got out of the shadow of his father's departure and the confusion of going astray with Samantha's patience after searching for-being rejected and pursuing-hitting a wall. Facing the provocation of the son of the newsstand owner, he took it calmly, and a stubborn teenager had matured.
A large number of follow-up shots and long shots reflect the style and skills of the director's documentary when he started. It is said that this is their first film in the summer, and it is also the most affectionate one. Indeed, although the boy’s experience was very unfortunate, he met Samantha, who was tolerant and selfless like an angel; from the first encounter in the clinic, he has been willing to enlighten and guard. As for the other roles, the man who abandoned his son is obviously not a good father, but it doesn’t mean that he is not a good person; the gangster is scheming, but he is also taking care of the elderly grandma; even the last newsstand owner is extremely ironic The extermination of evidence is only to protect his children-after all, everyone is an ordinary person.
Thomas Doret, the little boy playing Cyril, was chosen from more than 100 auditioners. This film is his debut, and his performance can be described perfectly. It is said that he practiced karate to the brown belt, no wonder he is physically strong. Well, you can be literate and martial, and the future is boundless.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?