Absurdity is the antidote to absurdity

Hannah 2021-12-30 17:17:16

This is a collection of short films, one by one in series, the dim tones set off a group of miserable people, and they are helpless in the face of the absurd world.
The director said: "When you watch this film, you should understand how stupid human behavior is. Disorder cannibalize people, and the situation is getting worse."
Everyone lives stupidly in disorder. The humble staff emphasized that “there are always variables” and were humiliatedly dismissed; the obese Kahler burned his own furniture and tried to defraud the insurance company for compensation, but the gain was not worth the loss; the priest, who was supposed to enlighten the people, was like a teacher. Min complained about the ups and downs of stocks. His house has not been sold for five years. He wanted to use Jesus, who had been dead for two thousand years, to add a few zeros to his bank account. Finally, he could only throw the cross in the garbage dump. ; A group of adults who have read all books, in order to get rid of the helpless situation, held a grand ceremony to push the little girl who hadn't read a lot of books off the cliff, and finally got drunk and fell in the hotel.
Each character in the film is basically an independent relationship, and only the protagonist Kahler has a clearer relationship between the characters. His eldest son is a poet and stays in a lunatic asylum. Every time he visits him, he always shouts "No one can help you?" But who can help a lunatic? Everyone can't save himself, so how can he save others? Not every time Kahler is helplessly framed out of the lunatic asylum.
In this chaotic town, indifference and stupidity are characteristic. In the traffic jam that can never be resolved, there are white-collar workers whips whips to each other, but who cares about these, people just walk a few yards forward in the long wait. The director said that people’s stupidity should be responsible for this chaotic world, but who is responsible for people’s stupidity? Is it God? But the priest stopped preaching, but complained that he had lost hundreds of thousands; the cross sold by Ufu was also dumped in the garbage dump; the adults pursued peace of mind, instead of praying, but pushing the little girl off the cliff.
In the absurd world, faith is so pale and powerless, perhaps God himself has fallen into this absurd world and has become powerless.
The film tries to give a prescription-the person who sits down is cute. This is a poem written by a poet, and it appears many times in the film. But in the absurd world, it also becomes absurd, because the poet is unable to save himself, so he enters the lunatic asylum and does not speak any more.
Perhaps absurdity is the antidote to absurdity. Since you are unable to get rid of it, then accept it silently, without having to escape or resist.

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Songs from the Second Floor quotes

  • Business Man: We have already sacrificed our youth. Can we do more?

  • [repeated line]

    Stefan: Blessed be the one who sits down.