My dear, love is not enough!

Arch 2022-01-15 08:01:25

Although the writing is very poor, I still can't help writing.
Because I like this film very much, it's humorous, and the meaning it expresses also resonates with me.
My dear, love alone is not enough, because love chases thousands of miles away is useless, and various ways to please her are useless, because women want more than that. Life is realistic and cruel. If you want to live together for a long time, you have to consider a lot. Can you really drink enough water? Of course not. Presumably women who have passed the age of a little girl understand this. They are not necessarily rich and wealthy, but at least men know what their responsibilities are and work hard for them, instead of just having fun!
Let's talk about this movie. The soundtrack is very good, the plot is also very good, it is relaxed and awakening, and it is much easier to use than blindly instilling great principles. For example, when Mike was practicing in the temple, the master told him, Mike, you are trapped by love. According to the usual practice, we should talk about reason and forget feelings, right? But the master said that you play volleyball every day for too long! Ha, laugh. But some people say that I laugh too low. . . . Then go back to the time to put it down, back to the topic, similar to the Rubik's Cube-far cut back to pick up the child from school.
Far away, maybe my evaluation is too bad compared to the movie!
I plan to watch it again recently.

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Management quotes

  • Sue Claussen: Compact fluorescents.

    [showing her apartment for the 1st time]

    Mike: Oh, too bad.

  • Sue Claussen: I wrote you a Haiku. Do you wanna hear it?

    Mike: Sure.

    Sue Claussen: Mike, oh Mike, my man Keeps showing up like UPS Sue, you're such a bitch.

    Mike: ...I like it!

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