Love and grave

Einar 2022-01-12 08:01:31

Love and Grave

-Transcribe a scene from the movie "Still in the Mirror", with a slight change.

Male (monologue):

I am a lonely traveler in the
wilderness, and the wildfire of phosphorous
accompanies me all the way to sing
happy and sad, all the way Gao Ge...


I am a princess.
My father and king promised me to two men and two men
in my thirteenth year ! Two rude pigs with fat heads and fat large intestines! How can I stand it? Haha, so I cut my hair and trachea with this pair of scissors. It 's strange, how can I still talk? ... (found male) Who are you? ! Was it the guard sent by my father to catch me? Hate flattering clown? Male: Guards? clown? No, it's not. Oh, girl, you are so beautiful, your posture is so light, your eyes are like melancholy morning stars... Female: Who are you then? Is it the servant of those two men? The impermanence of chasing souls? Male: No, my dear beauty, I am not a servant or the impermanence in front of Hades. Look at me so handsome

I am a lonely traveler...




Not a woman, but a traveler.
I am still an artist.


Where is your work?


I’m a poet
who does n’t write poems, a painter
who does n’t paint, a musician
who does n’t compose music, a sculptor who doesn’t hold a knife...


It’s so funny,
a poet who
does n’t write poetry, and a painter

who doesn’t paint. How do you know that
you are not a
clever liar?

Male: Once

any painting
is drawn, it will fail. Once
any poem
is written, it is no longer a poem. The

real art is
only in my chest.

Female: What kind of art is in

your chest






Yes, love.
flame in my chest is already burning. The
nightingale is also ready
to dye the
red and white roses with singing and blood ...


Do you love me?
I'm just a ghost at
I'm going back to the grave


I love you,

I see you
know I love you,

your pale face
is so heartbreaking
you lose bloody lip
desire kiss my


you really love me ?


I love you.

know when I see you that I was born for you.

I am willing to
dedicate the enthusiasm in my chest for you. My humble
and my humble life.


Ah, the day is about to dawn.

If you really love me,
follow me into this door. Let

stay together in this house and
never leave this door

. Come with me.


Okay, I'll go with you.


I've already entered.
can't enter soon after dawn.

Male (monologue):

Do I really want to follow her into that gloomy grave?
Did I really intend to give my life for love?
Yes, I am willing.
Haven't I been waiting for this day?

Why is my leg cramping?
Why is my heart beating so hard?
Why did I sweat so much?
Why do I feel hot for a while and cold for a while?

Ah, her beauty,
her sexy voice,
her white dress,
her light soul,

what should I do?
Are you afraid of death and greedy life like a layman ?
Like a pig, unconsciously
waiting for the slaughter day to come?

Enter her door-
tomorrow morning, they will find an
extra corpse in the grave. The corpse of
a young man is
wrapped around the bones of
a young girl. The bones of an unmarried girl
consume the body temperature of a man!
——Like Quasimodo!

However, not going in
will violate my oath and
abandon my faith. How disgusting and disappointed
I will be for myself

Ah, love
you are so fascinating
and deeply desperate...

(chicken, end)

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Through a Glass Darkly quotes

  • Fredrik: I'm an artist.

    Karin: Artist?

    Fredrik: Yes, Princess, a thoroughbred artist: a poet with no poems, a painter with no pictures, a musician with no music. I despise ready... made art, the banal result of vulgar effort. My life is my work and dedicated to my love for you.

  • Karin: Funny, you always say and do the very right thing... and it's always wrong.