Tilda, I'll never get bored of seeing you

Lamont 2022-01-15 08:01:52

There is no water in the dormitory, so I will go. Because I couldn't clean up, my hair was like a chicken coop, and I couldn't go out, so I had to stay at home, so I sat down and wrote a journal. What's more, I have been coughing for many days, and today there are finally signs of improvement. I dare not act rashly, so just stay honestly. I suddenly remembered that I watched Tilda Swinton's drama "I Am Love" a few days ago. It was very touching, so let's take the feeling after watching the movie as today's theme.

I first met Tilda Swinton because of "The Kingdom of Narnia." Other things in it, such as the lion, the three yellow-haired boys and the little girl, and a series of half-humans and half-beasts, were all ignored by me. Only fell in love with the noble and indifferent, evil and beautiful white witch who does not eat fireworks. Tilda has a long stature, very distinct facial features, and a male-like profile, with a neutral temperament but without losing the feminine femininity. He is by no means as charming as my other great love-Audrey Hepburn, all she has is a kind of awesome and powerful feminine beauty. It was later learned that Tilda was born in an aristocratic family, which explained the source of her aristocratic qualities all the time.

Goodbye Tilda Swinton is in Pi Shuai's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". In the play, Tilda plays the wife of a wealthy businessman. She longs for love, but because of a different livelihood, she doesn’t love someone. People living together, and later met Pi Shuai, the trapped beast in his heart was finally released, and finally had to return to the cage again. As Pi Shuai's love initiator in the play, Tilda has all the qualities that an older lover (Tilda's actual age was indeed older than Pi Shuai) must have: gentleness, caring, restraint, and rationality. Tilda is not the protagonist in the play, but he has played a more dazzling artistic brilliance than the protagonist. I was deeply moved by her lazy, casual and unadorned performance style. Her performance is just like her normal life, there is no ups and downs, joy and compassion, only plain and natural. This directly led me to realize the fact that the actor is her only after she played for a long time. She has completely lost the restraint of her appearance and exists as a concept of performance. This is probably the highest state of the so-called performance.

Tilda was probably influenced by "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and decided to re-interpret her wealthy businessman's wife in this play. Only this time, Tilda is the protagonist and the ending has also been changed 180 degrees. . Finally back to today’s topic, that is the Italian drama "I Am Love". The plot is actually very simple. Some people commented that "I Am Love" is the modern version of "Mrs. Chatterley", and the plot is roughly the same. . But if the two are the difference in time, I dare not agree. DH Lawrence's "Mrs. Chatterley" tells the story of a lady who lacks sex and makes peace with a gardener and finally elopes with her lover. And "I Am Love" Ai said is indeed the awakening of love for the noble lady Emma in the imprisonment of Italian merchants. If there is any difference between the two, it is the difference between sex and love. Constance is driven by sexual desire, and Emma is driven by love. Of course, it is not to say that the theme of sex is not involved in "I Am Love", but from the point of view of the filming process, the main path chosen by "I Am Love" is the awakening of love in Emma's heart. When having sex with the actor in the play, Emma asks the actor to call her own milk name, indicating that it is not Emma's love that is resurrected but her re-approval of herself. We can see from many plots like this that Emma's recovery came from realizing herself, accepting the most primitive self in the past, and turning to seeking love.

Some people say that this is a "modern tragicomedy about a lady who cannot bear the desire for personal love and eventually digs her own grave". I can only say that the person who made this comment is too superficial and too mundane. Emma finally chose to escape from the rich family and stay with the loved ones. Is it "digging her own grave"? Does the pursuit of self-release and liberation mean "digging one's own grave"? Is the pursuit of true love "digging one's own grave"? I really can't agree with it. However, we can see from this comment that most of us regard giving up material benefits and the so-called "family harmony" as mistakes, and few people psychologically agree with Emma's pursuit of self. This is the reality that the director wants to criticize. The smart Italians embodied this moral preaching in this tepid life drama without too much turmoil.

I didn't expect that people with the same substance as me could actually say some of the above things, which really surprised me myself. This is largely due to Tilda's brilliant performance. "The Mirror" said that "her performance was too convincing." I agree very much. However, the topic I will talk about today is the movie itself. The previous article has already described Tilda's performance in too much detail, so let's talk about the other highlights of the movie.

Speaking of "I Am Love" this step of the silver screen masterpiece, I have to mention the costumes in the play. But when it comes to clothing, I have to mention Tilda again: Tilda has a thin and long figure and is a natural clothes rack. So Jil Sander and Fendi simply used this film to have a press conference. All kinds of gorgeous and beautiful clothes are simply overwhelming. Coupled with accessories such as Ferragamo and Hermes, "I Am Love" is simply a fashion feast. No wonder the stylist will be nominated for an Oscar. The low-key and luxurious costumes coincide with Tilda's social status in the play. The serious tailoring, although beautiful, implies a deep meaning of "yoke". The clothes in the play are also a very representative intention. The luxurious and beautiful customization represents the luxury and boringness of the upper class, and the loose and comfortable cotton-padded clothes represent the embarrassment and warmth of ordinary life. In fact, the director secretly gave us a dilemma: Which one do you choose: wealth and freedom?

Let's talk about the more heavy-tasting sex scenes in the film. In the film, Tilda boldly revealed three points, but I didn't feel the nakedness at all. In private, I feel that Tilda's "exposure" is not for fame but for the needs of artistic expression, because nude is the most primitive state of a person. If you want to show Emma's awakening of herself, then nude expression is indispensable. If the sex scenes of the movie version of "Mrs Chatterley" taste like chewing wax, then the description of sex in "I Am Love" is beautiful and delicious. Although Tilda's shriveled figure is really not to be seen, the director The description of the situation makes the restrictions and the shots in the film appear vivid and unstoppable. Especially the sex scenes on the grass, the performance is particularly prominent. In the final analysis, there are two reasons for this situation: First, the beautiful Italian countryside has awakened the audience's desire for romantic sex, and the second is that the physical pictures and natural scenery are edited and driven. The audience's desire for primitive sex.

Generally speaking, this film is remarkable. It is the best of love-themed movies in recent years. It is mainly due to Tilda’s lively performance. She is clichéd. Her thin body frame is the king's aura. "Finally, I want to say, thank the director, CCAV and MAV, for giving me such a wonderful movie.

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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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