
Thora 2022-12-13 17:13:48

"Moon Bear, Don't Cry", "The Cove", "Earthlings", "Food, Inc" Comments: After

reading the above, I feel depressed and have nothing to say.

What can i say? Say I'm a vegetarian? I did not touch the meat anymore, and even the fish have now been marked out.

So this will be the hypocrisy of vegetarians, who will infinitely increase the moral heights, and treat all meat-eating people as pests...Why don’t we protect plants? Plants will also hurt. We don’t know how painful plants are... We just don’t look at these brainwashing Movies, I will have to eat later... You can't say that I am wrong to eat meat. People are carnivores (even if many anthropologists say they are not)...

Planting still pollutes water quality and emits greenhouse gases. A person's actions have little effect on the overall demand of meat... Meat is delicious, but we should kill them (chickens) mercifully... That is to say, vegetarians are not used to thinking that they are moral.

This is because the middle class in the United States is bored and spiritually empty, so it can only be filled by supporting environmental protection on the surface. You will die if you don’t eat it... It’s a great life. The princess is sick, self-righteous, and self-abuse...Why don’t you save people first if you have this energy? Many homeless people starve to death... Waiting for 2012 Or something else, we are dead, and we can't do anything...So, just be happy, why bother yourself, or live in your own world forever?

I said that the first thing that irritated me was that the torture I wrote happened to the moon bear?

This will be more terrible things that people can do...Naturally it is inherently unfair. Seals were also killed, why don't you care about seals, just look at moon bears. Standing on the commanding heights of morality, gaining a sense of illusory moral superiority...just watching and doing nothing...

torture on animals is not allowed, it is okay on people? I don't want to listen to these hateful speeches anymore... We must persist in being proud of ourselves... Because it is pride, let us survive the harsh environment, which will keep us alive.

Or do I say that I cannot make huge changes temporarily, and there is no logical conflict between making some small changes?

Right and wrong are inherently relative concepts... Logic is all imagination. This is a subjective idea...I would rather be simple and live happily for the rest of my life. Don't worry about these... it doesn't make sense, moaning without sickness. Anxiety is bad for your health... if you are serious, you lose. Anyway, we can still be happy...


Dolphins can hear the heartbeats of people swimming by them through sonar, and we have a clearer vision. I sometimes can't help thinking, this is a sad thing. Because they said that everything they saw has been processed, which is a poor imitation of the image. The target is the brainwashing man-made images, raping the eyeballs. We stood watching from a safe distance and then did nothing.

But this is a sad thing. Because of ignorance and unwillingness to know, it's like covering your eyes and not seeing the pain outside of yourself. And to see, the eyes will be bitter and teary again. It's really like a cruel joke, the vision deceives us, but we rely on it to know.

We are visual animals.

Since I can't speak, I can't convince anyone; just watch.

Lying in the iron cage, the body was worn with holes that would not heal. Every day, I used an iron rod to poke the deep part of the wound, and the juices from the body flowed out. The skin was torn from the anus, the whole piece was peeled off (including the face), all the split muscles were turned out, and he was still alive. The throat was slit and it rolled and twitched on the ground. Blood and internal organs fell out of the wound and died a long time later-losing too much blood, or choking in my own blood. Never see the sun, loneliness, fear, and death.

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  • [first lines]

    title card: earth-ling n. - One who inhabits the earth.

    Narrator: Since we all inhabit the earth, we are all considered earthlings. There is no sexism, racism, or speciesism in the term 'earthling'. It encompasses each and every one of us: warm- or cold-blooded, mammal, vertebrate or invertebrate, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish and human alike.

  • Narrator: It is the human earthling who tends to dominate the earth, oftentimes treating other fellow earthlings and living beings as mere objects. This is what is meant by 'speciesism'. By analogy with racism and sexism, speciesism is a prejudice or attitude or bias in favor of the interests of the members of one's own species and against those of members of other species.