1 hour foreplay 1 hour for sex

Mallory 2022-01-15 08:01:52

1. The poster looks very micro-wire against the enemy, but I don't feel that micro-wire against the enemy. Although what a big family background looks very bluffing. Roger Ebert said it is very similar to "Leopard", I don't think so. In fact, I fast forwarded when watching "Leopard". . .

2. I didn't get into the topic an hour ago, the whole is the legendary brand-name fashion plus brand-name bags or something. . My eyes can't distinguish it, so I don't feel it.

3. There are many handsome guys, but they all look dull and dull in their eyes. . .

4. One hour later, the housewife started to have sex and got into the real story. In sex scenes, the contrast between a woman's shriveled breasts and a man's firm buttocks was really big.

5. So this movie happens to have sex after an hour of foreplay. . .

6. It must be admitted that the most beautiful shot is not a handsome guy's butt, but a bare, beautiful mess. The director used to make documentary films. In fact, I thought of the "Night Watch" I watched recently, so I wonder if the director is also a part-time painter? ? ?

7. The turning point of the heroine's erotic desire is the man's delicacy, where shrimp is used. . . Since I am a little allergic to shrimps, I am not kind of laughing here, because my fantasy is that the heroine is allergic to suffocation and falls to the ground. . .

8. I suspect that the director is gay, not because of fashion or handsome men, but because of the 90-minute period when the heroine and her husband talked on the bed at home, and it turned out to be on TV. . . . . . . The classic passage of Tom Da Biao in "Philadelphia." . . .

If this is not evidence, I, I, I, I will self-destruct gaydar.

9. Objectively speaking, it is not as good as "Mrs. Chatterley" filmed by a Frenchman. The man is not handsome and the woman is not beautiful. The story is touching enough. This is the film. . . . It's still beautiful, beautiful, and it's worth looking at it.

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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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