Abducting and selling wives and daughters

Cecil 2022-01-15 08:01:19

"Ink" has been in my computer for at least half a year, and I finally saw it today.

It's really impossible to judge whether this movie is good or bad, because overall, I don't understand it at all. But in terms of music, the kind of deserted, water drop-like, fragmented piano is really great-very much like the end of a ghost film, beginning to tell the ghost's past, it is irretrievable and extremely tragic. , The feeling of loneliness. (The reason why a person didn't dare to watch this film at home before is also true ==)

The reason why I didn't understand it is that there is no systematic explanation for the setting of the story, and the second is that the time dimension really gives me a headache.

In fact, I often go distracted when I watch movies, so it’s hard to see the clues—to put it straight, my IQ for watching movies is very low...Anyway, I only know that there are two factions of good and evil. Nightmare.
Speaking of this, I really can’t help but spit, because Mao’s villains will always have neat uniforms and uniform signs (dress)? Is it because Decent advocates diversified development? (It must be a question of funding!) Because Mao’s villain’s headquarters can attract Ink, is there a shot at the decent headquarters? Is it because Ink lacks light bulbs? Or does he think the ink painting on the protective screen of the glasses is more loving?
At least it can be inferred that the decent plastic surgery technique must be inferior to the villain, huh.

...Well, back to the topic, then? Then what! I don't know what conflict of interest they have between them...Is it possible to be beaten by a decent crowd because you are careful to let others have a nightmare? Are they working so hard to grab the market share of Nightmare Dreams every night?

Okay, abducting little loli as a ticket to join the club, this is indeed serious, but the men in black who are similar to the eye house didn’t say what to do with her, which made me very confused-in fact, BOSS is just a loli control, right? This must be the case, so that we can explain this one and a half hour life!

Okay, well, it must be because I didn't watch the movie carefully, and I missed something. Wait and see other people's film reviews to clarify. Hmm, loli is the one who controls the horse, which is the most annoying.

Regarding the second question, the time dimension really bothers me.
John’s wife died---"emma was sentenced to grandparents' house---"emma was taken away by INK--"emma was hospitalized---"grandparents went to find john---"John had a car accident---"John went to Seeing her daughter in the hospital---"Daughter died----"John committed suicide----"Is

the order in which john changed to ink ?
So this is a cross movie? About how a man rescued his daughter from his own hands?
(Or in fact, this is a documentary about a man’s tortuous feelings of becoming an abductor for plastic surgery; or it’s an educational film that tells us that men chasing looks are better than chasing the girl next to them; or it’s A religious film that warns people not to commit suicide, you will become Pinocchio when you watch suicide; or this is actually just a MV of a piano song...)

Perhaps to apply what the movie says, everyone’s time is different, one thousand A day is equivalent to a day, and a day is equivalent to a thousand days (to the effect), and there is a dream world in it, and time is even more difficult to calculate...
So it means... the butterfly effect?
Ah, I really am an idiot... The technical analysis is magical, so I should leave it to other gods.

In fact, I want to say that when John first appeared, I felt as if his forehead had been cut by a knife...Sure enough, this is the average face carved by a knife! If Ink didn't wear a wrinkle headgear, maybe I could recognize him sooner. Well, besides, isn’t the dream maker really the little girl’s mother?

Next, let me talk about what makes me feel good about this movie.
First of all, as I said before, the music is very good.
Furthermore, even though I still don’t understand what pathfinder (is this the word?) is for, his settings are very good, with a pair of black crossed eyes and a mouth full of chrysanthemums. Don’t be impatient or impatient. One, two, three, and four rhythm to perceive the whole world. Especially when he was waving his hands and commanding the push of dominoes like a god-relying on it, I thought he could prevent men from being hit! In fact, this is the victory of the Synchronous Party! (Why would I suddenly think of the silver damn, the Kawakami Wanqi with the shamisen on his back, and the Sakamoto Tatsuma who always laughs... let's fit together!)
Then, the calm dream maker's aura is also very good. Although the woman is not beautiful, she is straight into the hearts of people when she speaks. The whole person looks very comfortable and gentle. (Although I am often beaten...) It suddenly occurred to me that I can actually write about how a woman can conquer the world with a mouth and a smile. (Hey, why do you think this sentence is so weird ==)
Finally, the furniture that was damaged during the fight between the antagonist and the villain was instantly restored... It’s so loving, covering your face.

Well, I just didn't understand it anyway. Humph.

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Ink quotes

  • John: I am ruined, why can't you see that?

    Liev: Because I choose to see you for what you were intended to be, not what you've become.

  • Jacob: 'Course a good ass kicking doesn't sit well with anyone.

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