All Those Hidden Words

Frieda 2022-12-15 07:46:39

Some people commented that the plot seemed familiar, and some people said that it is not a purely romantic drama, but a psychotherapeutic drama. In my opinion, this drama is not about self-salvation, forgetting the pain, and moving towards the future.
This drama is about a "say and don't tell" game.

The plot that
touched my heart the most: Burke looked up and down the entire hotel for the words written by

Eloise. Eloise said you are not supposed to see them,
but Burke’s response was that there are others?
So Burke rummaged through the entire hotel. Finally found other writings of Eloise. I wonder if I don't have this patience or curiosity. Even if something similar happens, I'm afraid I won't put down my body and jump up and down in spite of the image, looking for a few unconstrained handwritings indefinitely.
However, I immediately discovered that it had nothing to do with patience, curiosity, and only the "heart". The key only depends on whether you have this heart.
Burke is interested in Eloise, so he will look for it. Eloise is very interested in Burke, so he can go back to buy his book and read about Burke’s wife (Burke himself did not say this thing.)
Those things that were hidden but not spoken, those things that were hidden but could not be said, Knowing and not knowing, it all depends on whether there is this heart.

This applies not only to couples, but also to friends. For example, the story of Walter.
Walter and Burke are talking in the hotel. Burke asked about Stephen's story, and Walter didn't want to say it, showing an impatient expression and wanted to leave, and Burke said I want to hear...
The character Walter is Burke's stand-in and exists as his shadow. From the beginning to the end of the play, Burke tried his best to force Walter to overcome his fear and face his own heart, but Walter kept backing down again and again. It wasn't until Burke couldn't control his emotions and the two faced each other before he said his real regret. And Burke's regret and pain are even deeper than he hides. He can help to force Walter in this way because he is like this, but he is more cowardly and fearful.
If Burke didn't want to help him so much, didn't care about him so much, and didn't want him to tell the story so much, Walter's regrets might not be known in his life.

Everyone has a lot of words hidden, unspeakable, and buried in their hearts for this and other reasons. Who knows how much we will miss and how much information we will lose every day. A person like me who is passive and does not seek to lose is lost. Now think about it, do you feel a little regretful?
And some people, when we want to hide part of ourselves, are trying their best to get to know us.
The most exciting thing is that Burke is looking for himself up and down the hotel.
The most touching thing is that some people are trying their best to understand our hidden words. This process, this heart.

All those hidden words that have not been said...
All those efforts that you have made to find them...
That's the most touching part...

PS Aniston is still as beautiful as ever.

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Love Happens quotes

  • Eloise: Can I say something? And, and this comes from a place of total humility. With the acknowledgment that my life is a day-by-day experiment in... really bad decisions. But, er... you're really messed up.

  • Burke: [first lines, in voice-over] Chapter one. Sometimes, despite your best efforts otherwise, life will give you lemons. When that happens, you've got two choices, friend: you can wear a sour face or make lemonade.