Ink: the ancient war under the MV packaging

Antwan 2022-01-15 08:01:19

It seems that I have heard the name Yi Ear from somewhere, and then when I had a chance to read it, I just watched it.
The expression of the film is very interesting, the color of the MV is obvious, and the paragraphs of the butterfly effect are indeed elegant and moving, which can be called classics. But for impatient people, the first 20 minutes of the film will let them go.
I wanted to understand the story when I saw it almost halfway through. It should be said that after being repeatedly ravaged by various screenwriters for many years, most people can think of what is going on.
When the film was almost over, I understood what the film was about.
Of course, it talks about the struggle between good and evil.
Of course, it talks about personal loss and redemption.
Of course, it talks about family and career Barabara...
But maybe the whole film is a metaphor or symbol. What it says, bigger picture, may be the future of Western civilization.
The good people live in the birch forest, which symbolizes nature; the bad people live in rooms that symbolize science and industry. Everyone wears a colorless flat mask.
This is basically the anti-scientific post-modern mv version starting from Frankenstein.
John is all of us, and the little girl is our future.
The person who played a key role in our salvation is called Pathfinder.
The person who plays a key role in the struggle to protect our future from being swallowed up by the science industry is called Storyteller.
I believe these names are not only their superficial meaning.

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Ink quotes

  • John: I am ruined, why can't you see that?

    Liev: Because I choose to see you for what you were intended to be, not what you've become.

  • Jacob: 'Course a good ass kicking doesn't sit well with anyone.

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