A game of frame and escape

Webster 2022-05-05 06:01:01

Black irritation. Ripley murders so calm the rhythm of the movie but it is intimidating. Compared to the cold-blooded calmness of the continuous killing and responding to the enemy in the main line of the film, Ripley's sudden murder in the prologue exposed his nervousness. Also at Jonathan's banquet, he suppressed his anger and asked: mean? ...mean? ...mean? .... Cool. Jonathan is dying ill, he still wants to retaliate, design to frame it, and then intentionally or unintentionally train Jonathan as a killer, it is the master of the master. But his fatal weakness is his lover; so at the end of the film, he killed his opponent and rushed to the scene of his lover's performance, looking affectionately in the distance, as if he was done, but I was anxious to relax-even if the subtitles were up, I still infer that he would Was put down by a cold gun, and carried out the final reversal. However, I was wrong, and the subtitles were over without any surprises, 囧. The cold-blooded experience and wisdom make Ripley invincible! However, he can finally escape, the most important thing is that Jonathan desperately blocked a shot for him, do not understand why Jonathan is like this, is it because of the charm of Ripley's personality. . .

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Ripley's Game quotes

  • Jonathan Trevanny: Are you scared?

    Tom Ripley: No,

    [pause, still calmly]

    Tom Ripley: I am fucking terrified.

  • Jonathan Trevanny: Oh, hi. You're here, then. Excellent. We were hoping you'd come.

    Tom Ripley: Why?

    Jonathan Trevanny: Well, to... to add spice to the evening.

    Tom Ripley: Meaning?

    Jonathan Trevanny: You're a bit of a local personality.

    Tom Ripley: Meaning?

    Jonathan Trevanny: People have heard about you.

    Tom Ripley: Meaning?

    Jonathan Trevanny: Nothing. Just... nothing.