"If you study those great men in history, you will find that their fathers are all bastards."

Nicola 2022-01-14 08:01:31

"If you study those great men in history, you will find that their fathers are bastards. Now I understand that everything I have done in this life is laying the foundation for you."
He spent his life in pursuit The answer that you believe in confirms the history that no one believes in. He expresses his love for his daughter in his own way. And the daughter, even if she doesn't understand or believe, but unconditionally does all kinds of seemingly absurd things for him, until she finally realizes how much she loves her father, and finally understands the way her father expresses her unique love. In the end, he won the understanding and trust of his daughter.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.