The sitters are cute

Wilbert 2021-12-30 17:17:16

So far, I still have a lot of doubts about this film. Especially many fragments at the beginning. Due to cultural differences and isolation, and insensitivity to foreign faces, and the film style is dim and vague, there are many characters in the scene but few close-ups, so the relationship between the characters is not clear.

At first glance, the film has many clues. Or call it a fragment. The fragments are combined one by one to give full play to the metaphorical effect of montage, expressing expressions. But there is a main thread running through it. As long as you grasp this thread, you have the key to open it. As Tolstoy said when talking about "Anna Karenina", "the two lines (of the work) fit together seamlessly in one place." At first glance, there is no connection, but things are always connected.

Carl is the line in the character. "The seated person is cute" is a clue to the language form.

In 2000, the stock market fell, which was called ups and downs in the words of the priest. His house has not been sold for 5 years, but the assistant paid for the trip but got nothing. And Carl burned his own shop in order to make a profit from the insurance company.

In 2000, the traffic was jammed for several hours one day. No government intervened in the solution, no one tried to understand the cause. When all mankind was enthusiastically marching towards the year 2000, that small town was a corner that was forgotten, and no one took care of it.

In 2000, nurses and doctors faced off silently. She said when did you divorce? The doctor just gnawed his hamburger.

In 2000, the well-dressed old man went to work but was fired. Being what he said: Everything has a variable. This shot is really interesting. Behind the seemingly closed doors in the corridors of the office, there are people watching everything happening outside. The upbringing of Western civilization tells him not to make loud noises and not to be presumptuous. But it's about the bread on the table, how can it be made such a fait accompli? So what we saw was the old boy kneeling in front of the boss Piller and grabbing his trouser legs.

In 2000, a high-ranking military officer, a big landlord, seemed to be the 100th birthday of a Nazi. He still remembered raising his left hand and commanding majesticly: Raise the flag and raise the flag. But this was 2000, so he had no one to defecated in a cage-like bed in the hospital.

In 2000, people with briefcases in their left hands held whips in their right hands. Every time they took a step, they flicked each other's whips, bent down and arched their backs to scream for pain. People try to solve the problem only when it is too serious to be ignored. And they think that self-flagellation can be solved. As everyone knows, this freezing three feet is not a day's cold.

In 2000, Karl's friend Uff sold Jesus. He believes that people who are marching towards the year 2000 will greatly need men tied to the cross. There is a strong irony here: Jesus, who has dropped a nail, is dangling like a roast duck. No one thinks this is wrong, because like other commodities, it is just a profitable thing. When Ufu discovered that this could not add 2 or 3 zeros to his account, he angrily dragged these "waste" to the garbage dump. He was ashamed of his judgment: actually believed that one could be taken from one. The crucified losers made money. ...I didn't keep up with the pace of the times, a cruel fact at that time. But I will catch up with it. Come and add 0 to my bank account.

In 2000, a group of gentlemen and a lady who read everything and read a lot of books pushed the little girl named Anna down the cliff. This is the salvation they seek: take the girl to pay homage. After that, the lady couldn't get up no matter what, and the gentlemen were too tired to move.

In 2000, humans were like the group of people in a meeting seeing a swarm of chaos caused by the crowds rushing to the door when the opposite house was moving. It is said that human beings have rationality in peaceful times, but in crisis times, rationality often disappears without a trace.

The Russian guy didn't understand, so he kept asking but couldn't get an answer. The person who wrote the poem didn't understand, so he was speechless and wept bitterly. Sven didn't understand, so he committed suicide.

Young people don’t understand and old people don’t understand either. Men don’t understand women, neither. The policeman in the taxi said he has a philosophical approach: life is time, time is a journey, so life is a journey. Travel requires maps. Our map is our tradition, our heritage, and our history. "If we don't know this, we will only groping forward in the dark before we finally understand it." Next he asked the driver: Where have we been? The driver replied: We were only a few yards ahead. This answer is the director's answer to our entire human development.

Politics, economy, spirituality, civilization, and morality are all pervading crises. The director told us that there are many problems in this world. Human beings have many flaws.

But like all critics, they are not criticizing for the sake of criticism, but to solve problems. So he still prescribed a medicine: the seated person is cute.

Workers are cute, those who don't have baldness are cute, and those who lie on their backs are cute...

2000 will pass. The strike is over. The traffic jam will pass. Political terror will pass. The economic crisis will pass.

There is a time limit for everything.

"It's impossible to say that no one likes poetry. They just pretend not to. Your time is coming, Thomas. They are just pretending."

Finally, Karl and the victims face the camera, the audience, and the fate. .

The seated person is lovely.

Some people say that to understand a work requires a full understanding of the creator’s motivation, and often the analysis of literary works always starts from the author’s life. But there are French writers who think that the work has nothing to do with the author, and readers should only understand the work in terms of the work.
The reason why images are more misunderstood than language is that images are direct, and the consequences are direct stereotypes. On the other hand, there are more possibilities to understand images. That's why some people say that the movie is like a dream. This dream allows you to bring yourself in and shape it into the way you are in your heart.
Director Roy Andersson I don't understand at all. But I believe that a good director will incorporate his own thinking in every shot, and the audience will always know a little bit more or less. The most successful director is to use his own thinking to inspire the audience to make the audience think for themselves, so that thinking becomes his own unique experience and harvest.
Therefore, even if it is a misunderstanding, it is also your unique misunderstanding. It's beautiful.

The lens of the film is described in one word: originality.

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Extended Reading

Songs from the Second Floor quotes

  • Business Man: We have already sacrificed our youth. Can we do more?

  • [repeated line]

    Stefan: Blessed be the one who sits down.