Originally Sam, his wife, the little girl, and Sam's parents are all there. Note that Jenna is not there.
Jenna was burned to death in an unintentional fire N years ago. When he grew up, Sam felt that Jenna should be rescued back then. So he went back to rescue Jenna N years ago. After returning to reality, it resembled the movie. Speaking, Jenna is very grateful to Sam for saving herself, and her life also depends on Sam’s love for Sam, which leads to a conflict between her and Sam’s wife. Of course, the little girl is here at this time, and Jenna has nothing to do with the little girl. Well, in the movie, I feel that the relationship between the little girl and Jenna should be very poor, otherwise the smile of the little girl at the end of the film will not be so sensual, so Jenna went back to wife Sam when she had children in her belly, and killed wife Sam. Now, you can see in the movie, it's a bloody cesarean section, of course, the little girl won't even think of it. Then there is what happened in the movie. Jenna followed Sam to commit crimes. Sam regretted saving Jenna back then, then went back and deliberately didn't save Jenna, and then returned to reality. The little girl was obviously there, and the doll she burned was just like Jenna.
Many people said that the fire was caused by a little girl. I don’t think it’s right. Sam and Jenna were about 15 years old at the time. The little girl hadn’t been born yet. How could we rewind time and space to such an early time? So the big fire was definitely not set by the little girl, so my above logic explained all the causes and consequences of this film.
I actually have a guess, that is, since the film is about the butterfly effect, maybe the fire when sam was 15 years old was caused by sam's daughter? How to put it? It’s not like a lot of people say it’s time to go back and put it back! ! It was the burning of the rag doll at the end of the film that caused the "butterfly effect" and caused the fire N years ago! ! ! This "butterfly effect" is not the same as the previous "butterfly effect" that travels through time and space. The
little girl set the doll on fire after N years, triggering a fire N years ago. This is a brand-new concept butterfly effect! ! ! Then the front and back of this film is like a series of sets blocking time and space, it is amazing! That is to say, things in ancient time will affect things in modern time, and conversely, things in modern time can also affect things in ancient time!
In order for everyone to understand the film clearly, I will simply make a chronology: (The second time and space promotes the generation of the third time and space is the key, everyone should pay attention to understanding)
(The year is fabricated, I forgot all of the film, and I didn’t bother to go over it. Anyway, the order is the same, roughly according to the situation described in the film, as far as possible, I said in BTW is more abstract, BTW said things I will not be presented in the following table)
Space-time 1: (The initial space-time)
1985 sam At 15 years old, a big fire burned sam’s sister Jenny to death.
Time and Space 2: (Second Time and Space)
1985 sam 15 years old sam saved jenny
2000 sam 30 years old sam, sam’s wife rebeca, their daughter, jenny, 4 people are all there
This time and space is that Sam learned to travel through time and space after he grew up. If he wanted to go back to save his sister Jenny, he went back to save Jenny, and then in 2010, everyone was there, but because of a deformity in love with Sam, Jenny and Sam’s wife Rebeca , Conflicted with the little girl, and contributed to the emergence of the third time and space.
Time and space three: (third time and space)
sam 15 years old sam saved jenny in 1985
sam 20 years old sam in 1995, sam wife rebeca (the little girl was in her belly during pregnancy), jenny, 3 people in
1996 sam 21 years old sam , Jenny, 2 people are here, jenny killed sam’s pregnant wife, rebeca,
2000 sam, 30 years old sam, jenny is all there (it is the reality in the film)
this time and space originated from the second time and space jenny hates rebeca, of course there is little Girl, then Jenny crossed from 2000 to 1996 and killed the pregnant Rebeca.
This is the big time and space where the plot in the film is located. As for the time when Sam went back to save people several times to cause Jenny to kill, it was counted in this third time and space.
Time and space four: (fourth time and space)
In 1985 sam was 15 years old and sam deliberately didn't save jenny, and jenny was burned to death.
In 2000, sam was 30 years old, sam, a little girl (about 5 years old), sam's wife Elizabeth, 3 people.
Some people say that sam's wife At the end of the film is Elizabeth, that is Elizabeth. Due to a small change n years ago, it is possible for Sam to fall in love with Rebeca’s sister Elizabeth, not with Rebeca. This little butterfly effect is not difficult to explain.
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