Angel's Mars

Clotilde 2022-01-11 08:03:33

From 5 to 15 years old, Frank grew up, Irish cities, poverty, and poor streets.
Sparks flickered in the ashes of mother Angelard.
Frank grew up and realized his wish, even if his wish was to return to the United States, it would be a miracle.
Poverty is a quagmire, it will only make people sink deeper and deeper, and make it more and more difficult for people to escape.
This is an Irish family story, but can religion and the United States really save Frank and his relatives? Suspicious for the time being.

Maybe you have the power to escape
only if you look at the wretchedness and sordidness of this life; maybe you have the luck to escape only if you keep praying.
Bless Frank.
The shot of the American Statue rising up in the sea has been reproduced in countless movies, as if it was drifting on Noah’s Ark for several days at sea and finally reached the land of rebirth—there are pigeon feces and smudges in the eyes of the Statue of Liberty, and a dream begins No matter it’s made in Hollywood, it’s still French, thanks to it’s still standing there.

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Angela's Ashes quotes

  • Older Frank: [confessing to Francis of Assisi as a priest listens] I hit my mother...

  • Narrator: It was the first time my father ever kissed me. I felt so happy I could float.