My opinion of this film...

Martina 2022-11-21 01:41:03

FIDO is undoubtedly the best man in the film. Whether it is caring for children, feelings for the hostess, or simply cannibalism, he beats the host, so I look forward to that weird but emotional moment from the beginning to the end. --FIDO's relationship with the heroine broke out (well, I want to watch them ML)
The fault of the hero lies in his mid-life crisis. In recent years, movies seem to have many shots aimed at the middle-aged. crisis? Men pay too much attention to what they are striving for and their achievements and status. Whether at home or in society, they take it for granted that all the ownership of the family belongs to them, thus ignoring the feelings of their families. This is especially obvious in the film. I won’t repeat too much in the following...
The heroine in the film makes me heart-stirring, um...or rather excites me, if I say my thoughts, I might be accused of spreading obscene thoughts on my head. ··Let’s not say much. In short, the heroine is one of my motivations for watching this film.···
There is no real villain in the film. Whether it’s FIDO or bad boy or 2 daddies or zombies, they are all standing FIDO will not say anything about serving from his own standpoint. The bad boy’s idea is good, but he takes himself too seriously. The father finally gave his son a gun, which shows that he actually cares about him. children, but the girl's father although the practice is debatable, but if you and I stand on whether his position in order for the company or the public, the kind of vicious decisions are necessary (the little boy in the fence outside the tube)
final The funny appeared at the end of the film. When FIDO was smoking a cigarette to tease the baby, I really thought that my idea was supported by the director, and there would be a zombie baby... I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect that the heroine did not match FIDO XXOO, Disappointment...
PS: I hope the director can still make an adult version of "fido". The plot is about: particulate matter in space can still resurrect dead corpses, but it will cause the reproductive function of living males to be lost, and zombies will not be affected. ······Oops······

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Fido quotes

  • Mr. Bottoms: They're not particularly fast, are they?

  • School Children: [singing] In the brain and not the chest. Head shots are the very best.