Provoked discussion about the "mentally retarded plot"

Deanna 2022-05-04 06:01:02

On the Internet, people's hot discussion about this film is not because of the wonderful performance of the screen goddess Audrey Hepburn, but the film critic Roger Albert gave it a zero score. The zero score seems to stem from the "mentally retarded plot" mentioned in the film review. Albert defines this concept as: "The development of the plot is heavily dependent on the stupid behavior of the characters. When faced with some dilemmas that can be easily overcome by relying on common sense, these characters often choose stupid ways. Once they rely on common sense , The problem is solved, and the movie will end early." As for the film, Albert asked three times, "Why didn't she lock the door?!" Of course, this question has been violently argued by IMDB netizens and came to the conclusion: Susie can also leave the door unlocked. But what is regrettable is that the "mentally handicapped plot" in this film is not only whether Susie has locked the door or not.

Before the praise and criticism, we must first affirm the choreographer to pave the way for the isolation and danger behind the heroine. At the beginning of the film, Susie and the young people living on the top floor told the audience that they were going out for vacation. At the same time, the stingy landlord almost never visits the house because he does not want to repair the refrigerator for the tenant. Then Sam told his wife in the darkroom that he would go to Aspoli Park to take pictures all afternoon. So the whole building with Susie is the only girl with glasses, Gloria.

But the problem is precisely because of this little girl. With the help of Gloria, Susie discovered that it was not a police car parked outside the house, and immediately realized the imminent danger. But it's strange that she didn't ask Gloria to call the police upstairs, but rather used the ringing tone to warn her? What about warning a blind person who can't see anything? Don’t you have to choose to call the police in the end? That's right! After Mike showed up under the ringtone a second time, the woman finally decided to pick up the phone and ask the police for help. But it was too late, and the bad guy had already entered the house. Fortunately, Susie made up a set of rhetoric and sent the three of them to her husband's photo studio. And the other party is not a fuel-saving lamp, Roth cut off the phone line in the house before leaving...The problem with this episode is that the bad guys had torn off their disguise at the time, so there was no need to be gentle and frugal. As long as they stay alone and sit in the room to watch Susie, they will be foolproof. But the fat man just stood outside the building like a street aunt wearing a hoop in the sky! As a result, Susie had another opportunity to dispatch Gloria. It's just that the little girl's mission is more puzzling than the fat man's behavior: she still didn't go upstairs to go home and call the police, let alone go to the police station to ask for help, but to go to the station to meet Susie's husband? !

Although the idea of ​​the ending climax part firmly grasped the blind person's only advantage in the fight against the enemy, in the actual realization process, it encountered an unavoidable problem: the audience! Susie first sobbed desperately when she realized that the telephone line was cut off, and then thought of the tactic of retreating the enemy: destroying all the lighting equipment in the corridor and the house! It is strange that in the end a lamp in the back room "survived a disaster." Why is this happening? Is it because Susie forgot about the lamp out of tension? ...From my point of view, Lone Deng has nothing to do with the people in the play. It is completely limited by the characteristics of the movie and cannot be acted upon. The reason is simple. The darkness is in line with the authenticity of the narrative, but it makes the photographer lose all the light source! As a result, not only the bad guys in the film, but also the audience outside the screen can't see anything! In this case, the film director must not only choose to sacrifice authenticity.

And such compromises continue. Mr. Roth’s method of extorting a confession was somewhat weirdly designed: using gasoline. In any case, it is not wise to threaten to burn the house without finding the doll. So it can only be understood that this is paving the way for Susie's ambivalent behavior of longing for darkness but constantly stroking a match. The purpose of stroking the match is not so much that the heroine is trying to protect herself by drinking to stop Rot, but rather to enable the audience to understand what is happening on the screen through the intermittent light. Opening the refrigerator door is one of the few ingenious ideas in this film that is both unexpected and reasonable. However, the brightness of the refrigerator completely solved the audience's viewing problem, and at the same time forced the film director to the point where Jiang Lang's talent was exhausted. Because it tilted the balance of superiority too much toward the bad guys, they could no longer think of any novel and reasonable method to make Susie the weak and blind woman turn defeat into victory. So we can only let the knife go through opportunistically...

The enlightenment of this film is, what kind of thriller movies can break away from the so-called plot loopholes and fall into the category of good movies? If the new South Korean film "The Tracker" can still be used as an excuse for its profound social critical awareness as "not more rigid than the details", then "The Blind Girl", a purely Hollywood-type commercial film, how can it be in imdb? How about getting a high score of nearly 8?

1. Should the blind wear sunglasses as habitually as the father in "Guide Dog Little Q", or should a considerable proportion of people "open their eyes" like the colonel in "Scent of a Woman" and Susie in the film? I have always been very unkind to believe that not wearing glasses is just showing off the actor's acting skills. Because an actor with glasses cannot win the OSCAR award!
2. I went to Albert's website recently and found that the zero score has disappeared. It is now: three and a half...

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Wait Until Dark quotes

  • Lisa: They should make heroin look like something else. Candy bars maybe.

  • Susy Hendrix: [trembling] All right, all right you can have it... you can have the doll! I'll give it to you... if you'll... if you'll just go and... and...

    Roat: Yes, Susy?

    Susy Hendrix: Not hurt me.

    Roat: Say please.

    Susy Hendrix: Please.

    Roat: No, that's not quite it... say: "please may I give you the doll?"

    Susy Hendrix: Please may I give you the doll?

    Roat: You may.