I was scared to death when I saw the introduction when I was young (spoiler)

Bryon 2022-10-03 19:37:50

Tip: The following spoiler... I

roughly remember that it is a male monster (not a human anyway), but he has a human appearance, he can absorb human life with his mouth (seems to be), afraid that the cat can see his prototype (true face) Especially disgusting, at least I thought it was so when I was a kid) There is also a female monster that seems to be a fucking male monster. I wanted to suck her life on a date with a girl. Then I was caught by a cat and wounded.
...Fucking revenge on his son...Finally, he was burned to death and said, "You killed my son, my only son"...

This is the memory of my childhood...as a

kid I’ve just seen the introduction, which seems to be the Shanghai TV station... I was so scared. Especially the last few pictures so that I remember it clearly, but now it doesn’t seem terrible to watch the full movie, but the look of the monster is really disgusting! Hey, ,,shadow:(

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Sleepwalkers quotes

  • [after ripping Mr. Fallows' hand off]

    Charles Brady: You're right, Mr. Fallows. People really should learn to keep their hands to themselves. Here's yours.

  • Cemetery Caretaker: Look, I don't want to take the wrath for this, I got enough going on. I just don't need this kind of action.