Last hope

Theodore 2022-01-11 08:03:33

One must either be a good person or imitate a good person. —— Democritus inherits Chinese virtues and cultivates national spirit. It is the requirement of the times to build a well-off society in an all-round way and to create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is an important aspect of building an advanced socialist culture. According to the basic content of traditional morality, the traditional virtues are divided into patriotism, wiseness, integrity, self-improvement, honesty, knowledge of shame, reform, benevolence, noble harmony, loyalty, emphasizing righteousness, and advocating courage. Accumulating small virtues into great virtues, converging small virtues into great benevolence. In the daily life, we are always grateful and compassionate, and we often give adult beauty, knowing good, doing good, promoting good, and happy, constantly promoting the spirit of "good" and sublimating the power of "good" . Let good deeds become an idea, a habit, and a culture. To attack others is not too strict, but to be tolerable; to teach others to be good, not to be too high, and to be obedient. ——Hong Yingming mortals are good, not self-proclaimed but praised; mortals are evil, not self-destroying but others are ruined. ——Su Shi's prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness. If people are good, there are all kinds of good things but not enough, and if people are not good, only one bad is enough. —— Yang Wanli

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Angela's Ashes quotes

  • Older Frank: [confessing to Francis of Assisi as a priest listens] I hit my mother...

  • Narrator: It was the first time my father ever kissed me. I felt so happy I could float.