The reason for the cliché is because the problem has not been solved yet

Hoyt 2022-12-16 12:57:17

Some netizens said that the content of the film was repeatedly mentioned in other documentaries. Is it because these problems have not been resolved? The new generation of environmental protection fighters have to use the latest social media and advanced imaging technology to tell us the problems time and time again.

I just finished watching "The Cow Conspiracy" a few days ago. Together, these two films can be called the "Guide to Retirement of Meat Food." Not an exaggeration at all, I am now sorry for the three mackerel frozen in the refrigerator. The tossing blood, the sinking finless shark, the gray eyes of the dead fish, seemed to press a stone against the chest.

Cow Conspiracy: A Secret That Can Never Be Said (2014)
2014 / United States / Documentary / Kip Andersen Keegan Kuhn / Lisa Agabian Manucher Alemi

In addition to these highly impactful images, the film also gave me a lot of useful information. For a long time, I deeply believe that plastic garbage is the main pollutant in the ocean, and floating oil harms the creatures in the ocean. After watching this video, I realized that fishing nets surpassed plastic garbage and are the most important pollutant in the ocean. I found a set of data on the Internet. It takes at least 600 years for fishing nets made of nylon and other man-made fibers to biodegrade, which is more than 450 years for plastic bottles. It doesn't matter if you don't mention this kind of fifty steps with a hundred steps. In addition, the series of problems caused by such unscrupulous and extremist fishing is only the first time I have realized it, such as Somali pirates and enslaved fishermen killed in Thailand. Cutting off a person's wealth is like killing one's parents. What is certain is that behind the huge benefits, there must be blood. The biggest gainers kill decisively, and the voices of opponents are hard to hear.

Let’s talk about harvesting. Meat will definitely be eaten less. From a food safety perspective, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Antibiotics in poultry and microplastics in fish products should be avoided. In addition, always remain suspicious of various organizations, awards, and logos, and refuse to pay for marketing.

In the end, there may be different interest groups investing behind each conclusion. Therefore, watching this film still has to maintain a skeptical spirit, think independently, and look at the problem rationally, but at least it helps us fill a blind spot in our perception. Whether to eat fish or not is up to you to decide.

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