About my thoughts

Casimer 2022-09-06 12:13:30

Last semester, I took an elective course of basic oceanography, but I didn't have any deep impressions. It wasn't until I met this documentary by accident that I realized that what I learned could progress into such a profound issue. The director of the documentary took us step by step into various issues and uncovered many "truths" that we never thought about. The director concluded: Stop eating marine life. I am grateful for the appearance of this documentary. It gave me more ways of thinking, but it is not as good as no book. I still doubt some of the content in it, such as 45% of fishing tackle garbage. This data is a bit unreliable, because I used to What I have learned is that 80% of marine plastic waste comes from land. Moreover, human beings simply cannot stop commercial fishing activities, because it is a matter of interest, and the main source of protein in many countries is fish. Personally, my family is in Malaysia (Southeast Asian countries, under Thailand, and above Singapore). My dad is a fishmonger, my grandfather, uncle, uncle, and uncle, including some of their children, are all fishmongers. I have grown from eating fish to snacks, and my mother told me: eating fish will make you smarter. My family's economy and fisheries are inseparable, so I have a lot of feelings, and some immature personal ideas have also been derived. I admit that human beings are selfish, including sustainability. Isn’t it just for the future of mankind to come up with it? In fact, some people don't care if the fish hurts or not, what harm it will bring, they care about the future benefits.

I will not stop my relatives from selling fish, I will start from myself, reduce plastic, eat less seafood (in fact, I hate seafood and only eat fish, but my relatives love it), and don't waste food.

Digression (can be skipped) To be honest, I would not recommend my family to watch this documentary, but I would recommend it to my friends. I think it may be that I myself feel that my parents will not do anything even if I watch it. This is how I subconsciously think. I think, maybe I love them, but I can't communicate with them?? I only dare to write this kind of guess in a strange place.

There are good and bad documents in this documentary. Fortunately, it draws attention to ocean issues. The bad thing is that the director's point of view is too one-sided, and he immediately denies many people's efforts to sustainable fisheries.

But it is always good. I have learned a lot. Only when there is discussion, there will be a voice, and then more people will pay attention. I like it very much.

Of course, the most important thing is that I purely appreciate the courage and hard work of the director, which I cannot do at present.

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