Everything is still in the mirror

Travon 2022-01-12 08:01:31

Everything we see today is still in the mirror, so we will have to meet ourselves face to face. Today, what I know is only part, so one day I will know everything, just as I am known by others. Now, three things—faith, hope, and kindness—are retained, but the most important of the three is kindness.

—— "The First Letter to the Collins" is

the phantom of the water and the sky in the opening, the four people laugh and talk constantly, the happy scene is completely a stable and orderly illusion, the waves on the sea, or the clouds in the sky , The two set off against each other unreal, like dreams.

Father David was almost placed in opposition to his daughter Karin, his son Minus and his son-in-law Martin. He used constant outings to paralyze his cognition of his daughter’s illness and wanted Escape in the world of fiction, use art to isolate it from reality. After a few happy words during dinner, he said that he would leave home again soon. After a period of restrained argument and silence, David reluctantly used the gifts he brought back from the trip to share with his family to interrupt the embarrassment, but he did not dare to face them. He had to use an excuse to leave quietly, walking around in the hut nervously, unable to help crying with weakness and hiding his face. David opened his arms and stood in front of the window. The night was quiet outside the window. The outline of David in the dark was clear, like the Christ who redeemed mankind on the cross, but his face and all details were swallowed up, only licking the emptiness in his heart alone.

David, who appeared again after covering up, looked solemn and composed, and the other three who immediately stood up to meet the other three who swept away their complaints, and announced in a loud voice how pleasing the gift was.

Such a deliberate greet is even more uncomfortable.

Son Minus's extremely talented creation and performance of the small script "The Artistic Haunting or The Tomb of Illusions" borrowed Hamlet's way of revealing sinners, and showed the tragedy being staged in the family drama. The artist played by Minus fell in love with a voice from the side of the tomb. The Ghost Lord surrendered his life for love, but he refused to follow her in death.

Life is like this.

David's numb nerves were tingled. He knew that his son's complaint alluded to him: using deadly art to isolate himself from others and refusing to communicate. But he still praised and applauded vigorously.

Death may get a new life. David, who frankly admitted that he attempted suicide, has acquired something inexplicable in his life of nothingness, perhaps his love for his family. But this momentary love was not enough to make him go further. When his son-in-law Martin solemnly told him that Karin's illness might be difficult to cure, he could not accept this ruthless reality with the emotions of his relatives, and at the same time he was caught by the novelist. Controlled by her nature, she wrote in the diary that "What's more terrifying is that I was so curious. I am eager to observe her condition and faithfully record how she went to collapse step by step."

For Karin, who is sensitive and fragile, such words are naturally a fatal blow. In the empty attic, a voice beckoned her, Karin was obsessed with fantasy, waiting for God to come. In her one-or-other world, she wants to stand with them and give up her husband Martin, and Martin's unchanging love can no longer understand her heart. In the illusion of nothingness, they drift away-reality and fantasy , She could only choose one side, and she decided.

The helicopter flew over the window and made a loud noise. Karin yelled in fear and fled to the corner. "I was horrified. The door opened, and it was not God that appeared in front of me, it was a spider! It crawled towards me, I saw its face, the face of death like a horror, it climbed on my legs, and wanted to enter me My body, I resisted desperately... I saw God." Karin recovered his composure and looked dim. He saw and understood how terrible his chaos was. He could no longer travel between the two worlds. Karin finally chose to be hospitalized. treat. At the same time, when David begged his daughter for forgiveness, he had to admit his pity and wanted to start facing reality.

Minus is the easiest to be ignored by everyone, just like the hanging pants on his body, which silently reveals the lack of care. From the beginning of the film, he tried his best to prove his independence, "what I do is up to myself", even so, he still yearns for the love of the father and wants to talk to his father once. The sexual awakening and depression of adolescence annoyed Minus. His sister Karin's caressing and insanity seduction made the door of adult reality suddenly open to him.

Minus, who had a nervous breakdown, said to his father, "Dad, I'm afraid. When I was holding Karin in the cabin, reality suddenly appeared in front of my eyes...It was like a dream. Everything will come. I can't live like this." You can. But there are some things that must be insisted... firmly believe that love is reality, no matter what kind of love it is!" "For you, God and love are the same." "This idea fills the nothingness of my soul. So nothingness becomes one. This kind of wealth, despair becomes life, it's like getting a painful forgiveness from death."

The breaking of the taboo separated Karin from his family, but allowed Minus to reopen the exchange of words with his father. At the end of the film, Minus looked at the sunset outside the window and said: "Dad talked to me." The

roles of the three men in the film are misplaced, just as the performance of a family drama not only insinuates the father's inner world of escaping from reality, but also the entire family relationship. Portrayal of. Father David is a lofty commentator. He can destroy Karin’s will with sinful thoughts and strengthen Minus’s belief in life. During this period, he can only taste the sadness of reality and gradually realize that no matter what the reality is, he must face it after all. Husband Martin is a sensible person who cannot fully devote himself from beginning to end. He announces, accompanies and swears with his subjective love, acting as a guardian like a doctor; his younger brother Minus is closer to the role of a lover. , He was attracted by his awakened fleshy desires, but he could not release. Perfect love requires the memorial of death. Real life is cruel and crazy.


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Through a Glass Darkly quotes

  • Fredrik: I'm an artist.

    Karin: Artist?

    Fredrik: Yes, Princess, a thoroughbred artist: a poet with no poems, a painter with no pictures, a musician with no music. I despise ready... made art, the banal result of vulgar effort. My life is my work and dedicated to my love for you.

  • Karin: Funny, you always say and do the very right thing... and it's always wrong.