Feelings about watching the movie "Awake"

Braden 2022-05-31 14:57:35

Feelings after watching the movie "Awake":

Violence seems to be a kind of disease. Some people are congenital, some are acquired, and the congenital is more like a disease. It may be hereditary, or it may be infected. The acquired is more caused by the environment, which is caused by some kind of stimulation. The ego has lost control. Like the heroine Lindy in the movie "Awake 2021", she was born a violent man with serious violent tendencies. In fact, her symptoms are more like a disease, but it is not inherited from her parents, but may be a genetic mutation. She is very sensitive to the actions around her. Any noise can make her crazy. Almost all the people around him have been beaten by her, and her parents are helpless. It is estimated that their parents are also afraid of being beaten by her. I went to the doctor, but the doctor couldn’t solve it either. The drug couldn’t completely suppress her impulse. She was sent to serve as a soldier. As a result, the boss was beaten. She was taken in by some research institutes for observation, saying it was a treatment, but she was actually trained as a killer. In addition to her natural violent impulse, Lindy also has a supernatural talent. Even without the teaching of her teacher, Lindy can learn many skills, such as self-driving skateboard in the waves, such as climbing cliffs with her bare hands, and finally for revenge. , Is to climb to the top of a hundred-story building with bare hands.

What is terrifying is not Lindy’s natural violence, but those who want to use her violence to kill people, such as the institution that treats her and the doctor who invented her self-control violence device. These people betrayed her for money. The data was sold to the CIA, and a man named Justin appeared on the stage. After Justin tried to get close to Lindy, she began to deceive her feelings. The two of them had a relationship. They made an oath on the bedside. To Lindy's surprise, after the relationship, she no longer needed to control her violence. Device, you don’t need to wear it anymore. Then, Justin used the assassination scam to hide from the sky, making Lindy angry and sad. She fell in love at all costs to avenge her. The result was to purge the enemy for the CIA. Justin was borrowing the knife to kill, and Lindy was madly chasing the culprit. In the process, she passed through all the way, and finally locked the murderer on a criminal named Gareth Fizell. In order to take revenge, Lindy was almost killed. When she witnessed the truth, her sadness made herself more angry, and directly killed the person who cheated her virginity. Justin was blown to pieces, but he was still proud of Lin. Di was humiliated in every possible way. Her success also made the previous organization stunned, so she came forward to find her and was willing to work for her so that she could kill people more freely and easily. As for whether to kill the person who should be killed, I can only look forward to the second part. Up.

Lindy’s violent tendency is different from Zheng Zhengzhi in the Korean drama "Spy". Zheng Zhengzhi belongs to the genes of a psychopath. He was born with violent tendencies. When he was a child, he liked to abuse small animals. When he grew up, he liked killing people. , Even the people he knows around him will not let go, and the methods are cruel, his disease belongs to heredity. Lindy’s most extreme is just beating, and she hasn’t escalated to murder for pleasure. In the end, she can ignite the urge to kill, which is also deceived by her boyfriend. Otherwise, she would not choose to kill. After every violence, in fact, Lindy I regret it all, except for revenge for my boyfriend. All this is a conspiracy behind the scenes, just don’t want to waste her potential, want to stimulate her killing skills, and then use her to continue to kill, Lindy will also be on the road of no return, and eventually become a black and white panic. Everyone can't see her, but she is everywhere and pervasive. Zheng Zhengzhi's violence and Lindy's violence are completely on two levels. Lindy's violence appears domineering and polite. Zheng Zhengzhi's violence is simply pathological and trivial. Moreover, Zheng Zhengzhi chooses almost all the weak, and Lindy directly challenges Mafia, a person dares to go deep into the building, even if it is Longtan Tiger's Den, even if she has to face a group of agile people, she must be ashamed.

I also have this violent tendency. I don’t know if it’s hereditary or acquired. It should be acquired. I haven’t seen my real father. I don’t know if he is a violent pervert. I don’t know. I didn't care about him. As for my mother didn't have these rumors of violence, and when she couldn't bully the children in the village, she drove me out with a broom to save me as a violent metamorphosis. When I was young, I also did things to abuse small animals, such as dissecting frogs, because this was criticized by the teacher. I also pushed a child from the village into a ditch, and I injured a neighbor’s child with a bamboo pole, and A girl my age, she has already married and had children. However, I was still very young with these experiences. After I was wrongfully stolen the pencil case twice, I didn't want to go to class anymore. As long as I was irritated by others, I would tear up the textbook. Later, I grew up a little bit. I was a teenager. Because I loved literature, I learned how to write poetry. I was once again devastated by the spirit of the villagers. Use scissors to cut off your own clothes, or quilts, straw mats, etc.

If I didn’t leave the village, I would really be driven crazy by the villagers. My mother and I were both foreigners in their eyes. They were very jealous that I had some talents. I have witnessed the evil of Fujianese since childhood. And experienced. My violent tendency has always been hidden in my mind. I often fantasize about my ability and beat up those who can’t understand myself. I think too much about this kind of picture, and I may be schizophrenic. I have been cursed by Fujianese as a neurosis since I was a child. If they are really separated from the ephemeral ghosts, they will be overwhelmed, and they seem to have foresight. I haven't murdered people for fun like in "Spy". I wouldn't kill people. But if I didn't choose to love literature and art, but kept fooling around with people in the rivers and lakes, there is no guarantee that I would do anything to kill and set people on fire. Literature and art are like my spiritual moral shackles, allowing me to distinguish between good and evil, good and evil, and just like this, it caused a wave of dissatisfaction with evil forces, they used all means to destroy my life and stimulate my spirit, the purpose is to let me put this shackle Remove them by themselves, become their idealized dirty people, and then do some dirty work.

In addition to fighting with myself, I also fight with people around me every day. Fighting with myself is a kind of deep self-discipline. I always remind myself of what can be done, what can’t be done, who can be contacted, and who can’t be contacted. ; Fighting with people around you will be vigilant, skeptical, and fearful. Only in this way can you avoid the entanglement of right and wrong, otherwise you will fall into the trap designed by others. In the real world, most people are money first, most people are untrustworthy, most people are easy to sell their friends for a little profit, most people are easy to be frantic in order to support their families. I don’t want to be as morbid and cruel as in "Spy", but the evil forces that have been entangled with me want me to become crazy, and I don’t have the superpowers of Lindy in "Awake", otherwise they will treat me all day long. The cynical person was thrown into the trash can. I have no ability to remove threats, nor can I get rid of threats. My life like this is very depressing. I have escaped from Fujian countless times, but I was taken back to Fujian again. Did my mother and I both come to Fujian to pay off our debts? Do you have to live in the shadow of the local area?

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Jolt quotes

  • Lindy: [about her date] Oh, my God, the penis! I almost called you in the middle of it. It, like, unfurled itself, like to ten times its length, like, like a travel umbrella! I've never actually seen that.

    Dr. Munchin: Yeah. Wow. I didn't know those existed.

  • Woman with No Name: Humans, are the most powerful, undetectable weapon.

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