Lost and found in the U.S.

Janiya 2022-06-01 23:19:40

1. When I was in college, I was a person with dual identities. On the one hand, I am a college student, on the other hand, I am an out-and-out local, and my home is only two or three kilometers away from the campus. The college students look down on the local villagers. They are vulgar, unrealistic in doing business, and deceptive people. The college students have given the local villagers a nickname, not to mention it here, in the movie it is called "mason". The villagers did not have a good impression of college students. They felt that these college students were only good at reading and were not as clever as imagined. They were fooled by a few words when buying things. They were so stupid that they had no common sense. They were just a bunch of goose. But if their son can get into a university of this level, they will still be very happy.

2. The story takes place in a dilapidated town. The story of the dilapidated town is something I really like. The town used to be a quarry, and ancestors quarried for generations to make a living, but now the resources are not renewable, so they have changed their careers to earn college students' money. There are four youths in the town who can't put their youth into place. They are not stonemasons. They look at the brightly dressed college students every day. They are like upper class people from another world. This sense of gap makes them feel that their future is bleak and full of anger. College students come and go, like quarterbacks on the football field, never getting old, every year there is fresh blood, all star, but they are destined to be rotten here, youth is gone, nothing is done, the body is blessed, like The same as their parents.

3. The four teenagers have their own personalities, and they are very meticulously portrayed. Shorty are impulsive and precocious. David has his own dream, he wants to be a great racer. Mike has been reluctant to admit defeat, he wants to compete with those college students. Cyril is a literary youth, sensitive and shy. In this summer, they have all suffered setbacks and they have all experienced growth. The Italian cyclists that David admired, cheating in the race, are a group of villains. He tore off the poster on the wall and cried bitterly in his father’s arms. He understood the reality and ugliness of the world, and he understood that his father sold bad cars to college students. This is part of the adult real world. He grew up and had the courage to grow up. The female college student told the truth, he was just a "stonemason". Mike lost to a college student in the swimming competition, hit his head and broke his blood. From the past vigorous to silence, he accepted the gap and failure.

4. In the final climax, the bicycle race, the four broken young hearts actually gathered again. David was injured in an accident, the dwarf was still so reckless and impulsive, Cyril's inherently weak physique was embarrassing to be useful, and Mike had no fighting spirit and was a tortoise. David carried the audience almost by himself, saving himself and the other three brothers.

5. There are many beaded beads in American movies. They have delicate and subtle emotions, and they have an oriental charm. Such a movie is buried and forgotten in history, and it is embarrassing.

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Breaking Away quotes

  • Mike: You want to tell me who did it?

    Cyril: It was dark... All I can tell your for sure is that they all wore Brut after-shave and reeked of Lavoris.

  • Dave: Moocher, you're Catholic, right?

    Moocher: Yeah.

    Dave: Did you ever go to confession?

    Moocher: Twice.

    Dave: Did it make you feel better?

    Moocher: Once.