My crazy daddy is as full of surprises as California

Leonel 2022-01-14 08:01:31

To commemorate, the first movie I watched on iPod touch ~
On the noisy Beijing subway, plugged in headphones, you entered the quiet and absurd world of "The King of California".
Easily completed the father-daughter's transformation from confrontation to relief of previous suspicions. The music of the whole film is just right, and the timely slow motion is full of the special charm of independent films-these films are very personal. My daughter is reading the diary of the 16th century leader and at the same time reading her own mental journey, expressing subjective emotions casually and casually. nature.
The tone of the film is very similar to "Cashback". The supermarket is really a magical place.
Douglas is old, and those dirty beards are very cute.
However, what is lacking in the film is that some emotions are expressed slightly bluntly. For example, Charlie sold his daughter's car, and then sold his cello to redeem the car. This kind of moving is slightly clichéd. After the old man was discharged from the hospital, he has been committed to his treasure hunting career, and he has pulled it for a while. The only thing I feel about the cello is my daughter’s voice-over and a few flashbacks. It’s not too emotional, or I think too much.
The cuteness of my father and the good looks of the heroine are the motivation to support me to keep watching. Perhaps only the sunshine and air of California can make such a self-entertaining film comfortable.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.