"Break in Venice" movie script

Makayla 2022-08-08 18:04:15

"Break in Venice" movie script

Text/〔Italy〕Pu Visconti

Translated by Zhao Xiuying

1. Sea surface, location, daytime.

An obsolete, dilapidated, smoked Italian passenger ship sailed from Bora (Note 1) to Venice.

The sky was gloomy, the air was humid, and the streets and alleys were hidden in the fog. The sea is like a pool of stagnant water, dull and gloomy. Raindrops patter.

2. Ship deck, exterior scene, daytime.

Clouds of black smoke fell on the deck, which was wet and slippery with sea water.

A coarse cloth tent was draped above the deck walkway, and a passenger sat alone on the recliner below it. He was wrapped in a coat, turned up his collar, a scarf around his neck, and a checkered travel blanket on his knees. He held a book in his hand and flipped through it absent-mindedly. Suddenly he raised his eyes and stared thoughtfully, then looked down at the book.

There was no one around, it seemed that this old and broken ship was the passenger's special ship. His name is Gustav On Aschenbach, a well-known West German composer and orchestra conductor, of medium build, skinny, sharp jaw, pale complexion, deep wrinkles and dark eye circles. They all outline the outline of his premature aging face.

He put the book aside, took off his glasses, as if completely caught in the haunting thoughts...

3. Outskirts of Munich, outdoor scene, dusk.

Near the Northern Suburb Cemetery. After a walk, Ashenbach walked towards the tram stop.

There was dead silence around the station, and there was not even a car on Weng Jielai Street.

Everything is still. Behind the marble railings, crosses and steles to be sold seem to have become the second cemetery.

On the opposite side, in the afterglow of the setting sun, a huge Byzantine building is particularly eye-catching. It was a funeral home, with golden words engraved above the door, such as: "They enter the gate of heaven", "Eternal light shines on them", and so on.

The tram hasn't come yet. Ajinbach wandered, looking around aimlessly, his eyes rested on the steles, inscriptions and crosses that were about to be permanently installed. Afterwards, he raised his eyes and looked at the funeral home on the high steps. Under the arcade, two stone statues marking the end of the world stand on both sides of the tall steps. Among them stood a man with a strange dress. The sudden appearance of this person made Ashenbach very surprised, so he looked at it curiously.

This man is of medium stature, thin body, no beard, collapsed nose, red hair, milky white skin, and brown freckles on his face. At first glance, he is not from Munich, especially his hat with plant fiber straight brim. It signifies that he is an outsider. He is carrying an alpine bag on his back, wearing a light yellow shirt, and he seems to be wearing a Loden thick woolen belt around his waist. He is holding a gray rain hat in his left hand and crossing it. Around his waist, he slid a wooden cane with an iron head in his right hand, leaned his hip bone on the handle of the cane, crossed his feet, stretched his neck, blinked red eyelashes, and looked into the distance. I don't know if it was because of the afterglow of the setting sun, or because of his distorted appearance that caused his upper and lower lips to be too far apart, so that the long white teeth and gums were exposed.

Ashenbach found that the stranger was looking at him provocatively, he couldn't help taking a breath, trying his best to avoid the disturbing gaze, but the more he avoided it, the more he wanted to look at him again. Finally, if Ashenbach was not panicked, at least he felt very uncomfortable and simply turned around. The excessive silence around made him feel lonely.

Ashenbach slid along the railing again, and due to his emotional tension, he barely realized that he had gone far, as if he had escaped deliberately.

4. The study room in Aschenbach, Munich, with an interior view, half light and half dark.

The thick curtains almost blocked the windows, and only a few beams of light entered the room. The room was too dark to see what was in front of me.

A male servant took a travel bag and walked away. Only Ashenbach and another man sitting on the sunken sofa were left in the room. The light was too dark to see who they were.

Ashenbach put a stack of recording paper, a portrait of a woman, and a portrait of a little girl in the music bag, and chattered intermittently, as if to explain to himself rather than to the other person.

Ashenbach: I know what you think, but you are wrong. This is not an escape... Besides, traveling is good for me. Didn’t you suggest the same? You have been advising me to travel for a long time, but now, I really want to set off, but you feel strange...

Without getting any answer, Ashenbach was a little annoyed and gave other reasons.

Ashenbach: I decided that night, do you remember? After the concert... "There are still two weeks left, and I can arrange the arrangement, and then we can start again." I kept repeating this, but every time I found an excuse to stay.

The travel bag is ready. He looked at the silent guest with scrutiny eyes.

Ashenbach: Now I have no excuses anymore. Nothing hinders me anymore. I deeply feel that I need this trip.

After he paused for a moment, he continued, but his tone eased a little, as if he was a man who decided to confess unreservedly.

Ashenbach:...I should look for, I need to understand...My heart is asking the whole world, waiting for it to show me where is the place to bury me, where I can be at the mercy of fate without any external interference , To spend the last time of my life...

As the camera moved, we saw the guest. He is Alfred, tall and thin, with a pointed nose and piercing eyes.

Ashenbach: You understand me, right?

Alfred sneered.

5. Ship deck, exterior scene, daytime.

The breakfast bell awakened Ashenbach who was in meditation. He raised his head and looked around, as if he needed to re-recognize his environment.

When the rain stopped, a sailor rolled up the canvas canopy, and rain water sprinkled on the empty seats.

In the distance, on the bow side, a few noisy children walked towards the restaurant with other passengers enthusiastically.

Ashenbach packed up the books and checkered blankets on his lap, he stood up slowly, his glasses slid to the floor.

The seaman hurried over to help. He hunched back and was disgustingly dirty, and the goosebumps smirk that was intended to show goodwill caused Ashenbach's disgust.

Ashenbach quickened his pace and walked towards the entrance of the restaurant.

6. Venice Lagoon (Note 2), location, daytime.

Dense fog enveloped Venice. The drizzle is falling.

The boat sailed into the center of the lagoon, and the destination Lido Island was in sight. A row of dilapidated residential houses along the coast of the island is clearly visible.

At this time, the ship stopped again, waiting for an approaching quarantine ship.

7. Deck, exterior, daytime.

Ashenbach stood on the upper deck of the bow, leaning on the railing and looking out.

There was a cheerful but rough noise not far away. The same group of people I saw just now were talking and laughing, and making various gestures. These young Polish boys look like young salespeople. One of them was wearing an out-of-season light yellow summer dress with a red tie. The wide brim of the Panama hat on his head was fanning up and down. His screaming noise and funny witty made him particularly eye-catching.

Ashenbach took a closer look at this person, and couldn't help trembling. It turned out that this was not a young man, but an old man, a complete old man. Look at his criss-cross wrinkles crawling around the corners of his eyes and mouth, his pale cheeks are coated with a thick layer of cosmetics, the six-colored ribbon on the straw hat is bright and dazzling, but under the hat is a maroon wig and chin. The muscles underneath are slack like a cow’s neck. The two upturned beards and a small goat’s beard are all attached to it. When grinning, there is a small yellow tooth squeezed together and two large rings are placed. On the skinny and dry fingers peculiar to old people. The old man and his young companions were talking loudly, but they were speaking in Yugoslavian, and no one could understand them.

What surprised Ashenbach was that these young people completely regarded the old man as one of them, joking and playing with him, and sometimes patted his ass intimately.

Ashenbach covered his forehead and closed the eyes that were inflamed from lack of rest. Later, I had to endure the ridiculously dramatic performance of the old man. The old man solemnly bid farewell to Ashenbach, a stranger, like a drunkard.

Old man (with a strong foreign accent): I wish you an honour to stay here... We hope that this place will leave you with a good memory...

While talking, he approached Ashenbach, nodded and bowed. At a loss, Ashenbach dodges vigorously.

Old man (in French): Goodbye... Excuse me... Have a nice day, sir...

As he said, the saliva star flew around, closing his eyes, sticking out his tongue to lick the saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth, and the tousled fake beard stood up with his lips twisted to the left and right.

Old man: Congratulations...

Then he bit the belly of his fingers again, stammering.

Old man: Good luck! I wish you find a girlfriend! I wish you a fortune...

After all, laugh out loud, the laughter is terrifying. Suddenly, a mouthful of denture fell off the mandible, but fortunately it was held by the lower lip.

8. Venice Lagoon, dock, exterior, daytime.

The quarantine ship approached the passenger ship. Two police officers and a quarantine officer boarded the passenger ship.

Many gonduras (Note 3) competed to attract tourists.

A group of porters boarded the passenger ship swiftly, passing by other porters who were already carrying their luggage. People greeted each other with the sound of gondura boatmen eating and drinking, and there was a tumult.

A gondu pulls a large suitcase that is conspicuously placed securely. Behind the box stood Ashenbach. The boatman began to paddle the wooden oars.

Ashenbach: To the public steamboat terminal!

9. Venice Lagoon, sea surface, exterior scene, daytime.

Gondola drove towards Lido Island.

Ashenbach leaned on the cushions, fully enjoying the gusts of dry wind blowing from the Sahara Desert to the Mediterranean. The big suitcase was placed upright in the middle of the boat. The thin boatman looked weak and weak, but he paddled the wooden oars to make the boat gallop, showing his undoubted strength.

Ashenbach suddenly found the canoe heading towards the open lake, he was busy repeating his destination to the boatman again.

Ashenbach: Hey, we should go to the floating pier on the main island of Venice!

Did not get any answer. Ashenbach turned to face the boatman. At this time, he was surprised to see the angular facial expression of the boatman: firm and inviolable. He looked down at the passenger in front of him with a frightening expression.

Ashenbach still insisted on his decision, but his tone eased much.

Ashenbach: As I said, I'm going to the dock!

The boatman's eyes were sharp, arrogant, and full of malice. Ashenbach frowned, and patiently repeated the destination he was going to.

Boatman: You go to Lido Island!

Ashenbach was stunned by the stubborn attitude of the boatman.

Ashenbach: Even so, but I called this gondolas to go to Piazza San Marco on the main island of Venice, and then I went to Lido Island by public steamboat.

Boatman: You can't take a small steamboat at all!

Ashenbach: Why?

Boatman: Because small motorboats prohibit passengers from carrying large luggage. (Speaking, the boatman glances at the big suitcase)

Ashenbach didn't like the attitude of the boatman looking at his suitcase, because that gaze gave him an indescribable sense of fear, so he strengthened the courage and tried to fight back.

Ashenbach: This is my business! Who said to you that I would not send my luggage to the luggage storage area? Please turn the bow!

The boatman did not answer, but muttered a few words to himself. At this time, Ashenbach no longer had the courage to turn around and face the boatman.

Ashenbach: How much do you plan to ask for?

Boatman: Look at it!

Ashenbach: If you don't send me where I am going, I will pay nothing!

Boatman: You are going to Lido Island.

Ashenbach: But not by your gondura!

Boatman: But I can get you there safely.

At this time, another boat sailed near their gondura. The boat was full of men and women, and it was a small mobile band. The men took off their hats, put them in their hands, and stretched out towards Ahzhong Bach.

After Ashenbach threw in a few coins, the boat left the gondura. At this time, I heard the boatman murmur again.

10. Lido Island Floating Pier, in front of Despens Hotel, exterior, daytime.

An elderly seaman with a big hook hooked to the gondura where Ashenbach was riding, docked it and helped Ashenbach disembark. At the same time, two hotel service staff unloaded their luggage with the help of the boatman.

A little further away, two police officers are intercepting a person and pay attention to what is happening here.

Ashenbach paid for the old seaman who was waiting for a tip with a smile, but found that there was only a big ticket in his hand and no change, so he made a gesture and asked the seaman to wait for a while and saw that the big suitcase had been unloaded. Then he ran towards the hotel with confidence.

The police came here...

At this time, the big suitcase has been loaded on the trolley by two service personnel.

Ashenbach came out of the hotel with the change in his hand, staring at the scene in front of him, stunned.

The boatman and the gondura were gone, only the old seaman was still waiting there. The two service staff pushed the trolley hard and walked towards the hotel. The old seaman approached Ashenbach, noticed his consternation, and hurriedly explained.

Old seaman: Hey, it's not very good. The boatman has no license.

Ashenbach, who had never encountered such an unpleasant thing before, was dumbfounded and hardly heard the old seaman's words. The old seaman had to explain again.

Old seaman: Among all the gondura boatmen, he is the only one who has no license.

Ashenbach counted the change in his hand, it seemed that he hadn't heard the old seaman's explanation at all.

Old seaman: Someone called and he sneaked away.

The old seaman said and took off his hat.

Old seaman: ...So, you took the boat for free.

After Ashenbach dropped the prepared coin into the old seaman's hat, he hurried to chase the luggage cart.

The cart was pushed onto a street full of flowers. This street leads all the way to the seashore, cutting the island of Lido, which is shaped like a long streamer, into two.

11. The entrance of Despens Hotel, exterior, during the day.

Ashenbach entered the back door of the hotel, and there was a small quiet garden at the back door.

12. Despens Hotel entrance hall, large lounge, interior view, daytime.

hall. A janitor took off his hat politely and walked with Ashenbach through the hall.

Rest hall. Accompanied by the janitor, Ashenbach walked through the lounge to the manager's office.

13. Hotel manager's office, interior view, daytime.

The manager is cautious and polite, with his moustache slightly upturned, and he is dressed in a French-style gown. He received Aschenbach warmly.

Manager: Hello, Mr. Ashenbach, can you welcome you?

Ashenbach nodded perfunctorily. Although he had already entered, it seemed that God did not guard his house and subconsciously took out his passport.

Manager: Thank you!

The manager took the passport and put it on the table.

Manager: I hope the room we prepared for you will satisfy you! (Speaking, pointing to the door of the office)

Manager: I will personally accompany you to your room, if you allow it.

Ashenbach followed the manager.

14. Three-story corridor, interior view, daytime.

Ashenbach and the manager walked to the door of a room. The manager opened the door, leaned forward, and politely stepped aside to let Ashenbach enter the room first.

15. Despens Hotel, Aschenbach’s room, interior view, daytime.

The rooms are arranged harmoniously, with a set of cherry wood furniture and a few vases filled with colorful flowers.

The manager walking in front of Ashenbach came to the window, opened the two large windows, turned to face Ashenbach, nodded and smiled, as if waiting for the guest's approval.

Ashenbach: Very good, thank you, great!

Hearing the guest's compliment, the manager felt satisfied, but he did not act excessively, and walked out of the room after a few steps back.

Ashenbach walked to the window, at this time the two service staff brought the luggage and left immediately.

Ashenbach looked through the window.

16. The beach outside the hotel, exterior, daytime.

The subjective shot of Aschenbach. The beach presents a "semi-desert" state in the afternoon: the sea is foggy, and it seems that a tide is coming. The waves are low and long, beating the coast at a uniform speed.

17. Concert hall manager's office, corridor, interior view, night.

Gentlemen in tuxedos and ladies in evening dresses huddled in the manager's office of a concert hall in Munich. Everyone looked anxious and worried.

In the chaotic discussion, we heard a few words:

——It’s not the first time... I also did it once in Lisbia, but at most it was only two months ago...

——In Berlin, in winter...

——But not so...not so serious...

Outside the house, in the corridor, Alfred tried his best to calm the crowded people. People here are also wearing evening dresses.

Alfred: Excuse me, gentlemen, I beg everyone, I will let you in whenever possible.

Alfred finally closed the door, approached the people in the room, made a gesture, and asked everyone to keep as quiet as possible.

At this time, we see, in addition to the gentlemen and ladies who we saw just now. There is a man lying on the sofa, he is Ashenbach. The buttons of the tuxedo were unbuttoned, and a doctor was auscultating. Ashenbach's complexion was earthy, his expression was painful, and his eyes half-opened and half-closed looked around, eager to find answers from everyone's facial expressions and to find out the true condition of the illness.

Alfred approached Aschenbach, and the doctor was injecting into the patient's arm. Everyone looked at each other sadly, silently, with anxious and uneasy expressions. The doctor left the patient after the injection. Alfred followed closely and walked into the crowd. People are waiting anxiously for the doctor's diagnosis.

Doctor: He will be fine...

Alfred: When do you expect to recover?

Doctor: I can't say that too, it's hard to predict.

He tries to make a relaxed posture, just like the posture that people often pretend when making the most important sentence.

Doctor: Indeed, his heart can no longer be taken lightly...

Ashenbach has been lying there, his eyes half closed and half open, the last words of the doctor floating in his ears.

Doctor: He should take a vacation, he needs a long period of recuperation...

18. The scene is as above, interior, night.

After a period of time. Ahzhong Bach felt much better after taking a rest, but stayed on the sofa with Alfred by his side.

Several things were scattered on the table. There was a small timer hourglass, and Ashenbach stared at the hourglass and saw that the last fine sand particle was spinning and falling into the lower half of the container.

Ashenbach (as if talking to himself): The small passages where the sand falls are so thin... From our eyes, at the beginning, the sand surface on the upper half of the container seems to be still, and no sand can be seen. It's decreasing...so you will mistakenly think that it will take a long time for the sand to get close to the small passage and ignore it. But in the end, there was no time to think about it.

19. Despens Hotel foyer, interior view, at night.

Ashenbach entered the spacious and luxurious foyer and saw that most of the hotel guests had gathered there to prepare their meals.

The waiters went back and forth and brought aperitifs to the guests. The guests talked in twos and threes, and their voices were very low. Although they did not know each other, they respected each other and seemed as polite as possible and did not affect others.

Ashenbach picked up a newspaper from the table, but he didn't want to read it. He carefully observed the people around him, looking for someone to chat with. There is no doubt that the environment he is in now is much more pleasant than on the deck of a passenger ship. It's full of human touch here. People appear to be generous, tolerant, and magnanimous. Against the backdrop of the evening dress, the human touch is flowing in an elegant atmosphere. We heard conversations in various languages, and the voices were very low.

Here, we can see the long and thin faces of Americans, a large family of Russians, a British woman sitting in a chair, and a German child who is indispensable in the care of a French nanny... The Yugoslav guests are especially eye-catching.

There is a piece of Polish discourse around Ashenbach. Although he doesn't understand at all, he finds this language very beautiful. There are three Polish girls, about fourteen to eighteen years old, sitting around a wicker round table, and a middle-aged housekeeper takes care of them. At this moment, a boy stepped through the door, and they all watched his arrival.

Ashenbach was stunned by the incomparable beauty of this handsome boy.

The teenager is only fourteen years old at most. His white face, golden hair, straight nose, charming little mouth, cute and slightly godlike look reminds people of the golden age of ancient Greek carving art. This beautiful young man made Ashenbach marvel at the ingenious beauty created by nature, and he just admired it with concentration. The young man's slow steps were firm and unrestrained. He approached his family. His appearance has added brilliance to the Polish family.

What entered Ahzhong Bach's eyes was the silhouette of a young man. The housekeeper beside the teenager described it as withered. In contrast, even the three girls were eclipsed. Especially the humble expressions of the four people further contrasted the beauty of the teenager. If it hadn't been for the waiter to remind him that it was time for dinner, Ashenbach would stare at the handsome boy for a long time.

The guests walked into the restaurant in twos and threes with the joy of longing for a meal before the meal.

Ashenbach also got up, but sat down involuntarily, because he found...

... The beautiful boy and his family are still sitting around the wicker table, with no intention of leaving.

They are the only ones left in the front hall. The housekeeper got up, and then the three girls also stood up, they were welcoming a woman. This woman is still very young, beautiful and charming. She whispered a few words to the housekeeper, but the words did not reach Ashenbach's ears. The woman stretched out her hand to the boy again, and he gently kissed the back of her hand. Then, everyone walked towards the restaurant: the woman walked at the front, followed by three girls, followed by the housekeeper, and finally the beautiful boy.

Before stepping over the threshold, the boy turned around unintentionally. His eyes met those of Ashenbach. Ashenbach stared at the beautiful boy intently, the newspaper in his hand fell on his knees unknowingly.

20. Despens Hotel restaurant, interior view, evening.

Here, the peace of everyone is fully respected. The guests dine silently, as if whispering quietly would affect others. The waiter shuttled between the tables. They cooperate with each other, it seems that a game is going on, to see who is more polite.

Ashenbach sat alone at a dining table. Sitting at the opposite table was the Polish man. The family still attracted his attention. Of course, his main target of attention is that boy. Ashenbach still doesn't know his name. The teenager seemed to know the rules when eating. He is not very interested in the conversation of his family. He only answered "yes" or "no" to their questions, and even simply smiled. Ashenbach could not hear what they were talking about.

When Ashenbach stared at this Polish man, we heard the voice of dialogue outside the picture.

Alfred (outside the picture): Beauty? The beauty you imagined by yourself? Is there any way to realize this beautiful ideal you are pursuing?

Ashenbach (outside the painting): In other words, do you want to deny the artist's ability to create beauty in spirit?

Alfred (outside the picture): Don't be angry, Gustav, this is what I want to deny!

The camera was aimed at the face of the teenager Tacio, as if Ashenbach was watching and admiring the teenager's face to his heart's content.

Ashenbach (outside the painting): So the hard work of our artists...

Alfred (outside the picture): Hard work? Yes, artistic creation is a hard work, but I can’t imagine that beauty is a hard product.

At this moment, we saw Tacio’s shiny blonde hair, handsome nose, impeccable jaw, mysterious big blinking eyes, beautiful and moist lips...

Alfred (outside the painting): Beauty is produced like this... It has nothing to do with your or my hardships, it is produced naturally, and it existed long before we artists were proud of the beauty we created. .

Alfred's words and Tacio's facial shots disappeared at the same time. The waiter walked up to Aschenbach with a plate.

Waiter (in a low voice): Anything else, sir?

21. The small garden of Despens Hotel, room view, night.

After the meal, Ashenbach took a walk in the small garden. There are still people who met in the lobby and the dining room. People are talking and laughing, and the atmosphere is relaxed. We heard conversations in various languages.

Ashenbach left the crowd and paced back and forth casually. As people's conversations disappeared, we heard the dialogue between him and Alfred (outside the picture) (the dialogue is a continuation of the voice-over from the previous scene).

Alfred (outside the painting): My friend, your mistake is to regard life and reality as a restriction...

Ashenbach (outside the painting): Isn't that the case? Reality has distorted us and made us vulgar!

22. Munich, Tirolo, Aschenbach's study, interior, half light and half dark.

There is a piano and a writing desk with papers, newspapers and newspapers piled in disorder. The afterglow of the setting sun shot into the house from the doors and windows facing the lake.

Ashenbach and Alfred are discussing, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense (the dialogue is the continuation of the frontcourt voiceover).

Ashenbach: Sometimes I think that the artist is like a hunter hunting in the dark, I don't know if I shot it, and I don't know what it shot. However, we can be sure that it is neither life nor nature clarifies our goals or guides us.

Ashenbach is very confident, convinced that his point of view is absolutely correct, and his tone becomes more firm and passionate.

Ashenbach: Art creation is a spiritual activity...

Alfred: No, Gustav. Beauty belongs to feeling, only to feeling!

Ashenbach (excitedly): If an artist achieves a pure spiritual realm through the control of feelings, then he will not be able to obtain the sacredness, truthfulness and sublime of human beings.

Alfred: Holy and sublime, what's the use? Genius is the most useful thing, and it is generously bestowed by God. In a sense, it can also be said that the punishment imposed by the creation of God, because it is often pathological and even brings "sin".

Ashenbach: I reject the devil's artistic ethics.

Alfred: That you are wrong. You know, "evil" is also a need, it is also the spiritual food of a genius!

Ashenbach became more and more excited, and his voice became higher and higher.

Ashenbach: Art is the highest source of education! The artist himself should be a model, a model of balance and frankness!

Alfred: Candid? Art is inherently ambiguous, it has always been! Music is the most ambiguous in art, because the structure of music itself is ambiguous.

Alfred approached the piano and played a few chords.

Alfred: You can play this chord or another chord, and you can make them stand for anything. There are a series of invisible but endless mathematical permutations and combinations in front of you. This is truly ambiguity! And you can be more free in it than any other artist.

Several other chords were played again on the keyboard by Alfred nervously. The chords are extremely dissonant.

Alfred: Did you hear that? This is all your work, can't you hear it? This is all your stuff!

Ashenbach hurriedly closed the piano cover, and slammed it with his fist.

23. Despens Hotel, Aschenbach’s bedroom, interior view, morning (beginning in half light and half dark).

Ashenbach looked excited, as if he had just argued with Alfred.

The room was half-lit and half-dark, and the unopened Xingji was placed in a corner.

Ashenbach was wearing pajamas, opened the window and looked outside, his expression even more melancholy.

24. Despens Hotel, waterfront, exterior, morning.

Ashenbach looks out from the window. The sky was gloomy, just like Ashenbach's expression at this time. The sea is densely covered with dark clouds, and the sea is calm. The sand waves formed by the tide resemble a natural mirror frame, inlaid with a dark gray Venetian lagoon that is almost a pool of stagnant water.

25. Despens Hotel, Aschenbach's room, interior view, morning.

Ashenbach felt depressed, bored, and had nothing to do, he withdrew from the window. I looked at the suitcase that was still unopened. He picked up the map again and glanced hurriedly, as if he was about to leave the place he had just arrived at.

A dissatisfied travel bag was placed on the table. Ashenbach was discouraged and didn't want to open the travel bag to take out the contents.

26. Despens Hotel breakfast room, interior view, daytime.

Ashenbach walked into the restaurant with the clink of tea cups, carrying a travel bag with him. There are not many guests in the restaurant.

When the Polish man walked into the restaurant, Aschenbach couldn't conceal the joy in his heart, but immediately showed a disappointed look, obviously because he found that Tacio was not there. He immediately laughed at himself again, and went to find a seat. He looked at the dining tables around him, and chose a seat where he might see Tacio come in.

As soon as he took his seat, a waiter brought newspapers and letters and walked away. He looked at the envelope to find out who came from the letter, then put the letter on the table as it was, and opened a newspaper without opening one of them, but the action was completely subconscious, and he didn't want to read it at this time. The newspaper, just kept peeking at the direction of the door.

An elderly waiter approached him and bowed politely.

Waiter: Hello, sir!

Ashenbach: Hello!

The waiter mechanically performed insignificant movements; brought the ashtray closer, moved the vase farther, and evened the corners of the tablecloth...Achenbach was indifferent to all these movements.

Waiter: Have you ordered?

Ashenbach: No, I just need a cup of coffee, thank you!

Ashenbach unintentionally discovered that the old man in front of him was kind-eyed and amiable, so he secretly rejoiced that he might have met a good person. When the old man was about to go away, he stopped him.

Ashenbach: Ah...

The old waiter stopped and waited respectfully for the guests' orders, as if preparing to meet a special request. Ashenbach surprised the old man and asked about the weather.

Ashenbach: How long is this weather, oh, Silok, estimated to last?

The old waiter was flattered by the customer asking such a question, so he couldn't wait to show off all his knowledge about wind. He looked like an experienced seaman, and his voice was full of respect and trust in the weather itself. He spoke for centuries. A fact that people have never and will never be able to deny.

Waiter: You have to know, sir, if the Silok wind starts to blow on Wednesday, it will last for three days, if it starts on Friday, it will last for nine days, but if it does not stop on the tenth day, it will blow for another 21 days... …

Ashenbach didn't ask anything anymore, because it would be more terrifying to be worried about answering. He thanked him, his voice low as if he was talking to himself.

Ashenbach: Thank you.

After all, he habitually picked up the newspaper. The waiter continued to add.

Waiter: This time I started scraping last Friday. Today is the tenth day...

The waiter saw that his own words could cause mood swings in the listener. Although he was frustrated, he was satisfied and walked away.

Ashenbach looked out of the glass window, the low sky made him feel depressed. He felt that the air was too humid, so he took out his handkerchief, wiped his forehead, moved carefully and cautiously, and started reading the newspaper again. A voice that seemed to be a mysterious call made him emotional, and he suddenly turned around.

Tacio came in, his steps still light and vigorous. He walked to his family.

Ashenbach stared at the young man again like a demon. After a long while, Ashenbach finally freed himself, stood up, and left decisively, without even having to wait for coffee.

27. Balcony, small garden, path, Despens Hotel beach, exterior view, daytime.

Ashenbach walked through balconies, small gardens, and walkways leading to the beach.

28. Despens Hotel beach, exterior, daytime.

Beach entrance. A lifeguard came to face him. This is an elderly man, barefoot, wearing canvas pants and a seaman's overalls, and wearing a straw hat. He nodded politely and thoughtfully.

Lifeguard: Hello, sir!

Ashenbach presented the hotel residence permit. After careful inspection, the lifeguard pointed towards the beach.

Lifeguard: That is your locker room, on the 21st.

Aschenbach: Please take out the small tables and chairs, and be careful not to put them on the sand!

After the order, Ashenbach walked towards the 21st locker room, carrying a travel bag in his hands, newspapers and letters.

29. Despens Hotel, exterior, daytime.

The first thing Ashenbach met was the Russian family with a large population. The family rested in front of their locker room, occupying the best sandy beach where the hotel belongs. This is a portrait of a group of people: three men with long beards represent three generations and are at ease; a few women are walking around; a girl puts up a painting frame and is drawing attentively; a group of children are playing; an elderly maid is working Prepare cabbage soup. The family seems to be performing a group show, entertaining themselves, and hope that outsiders will also envy them to have fun.

They flashed a way on the beach to let those who went to the locker room to change their clothes through. Ashenbach also had to set foot on this trail beside the Russians.

The lifeguard walked in front of him, jumped across the beach, opened the locker room door, and took out the small table and lounge chair. After receiving Aschenbach's tip, the lifeguard walked away with satisfaction. Ashenbach sat down, put the newspaper and letter on the table, and looked at the surroundings curiously.

The people I saw here were still those in the hotel’s lobby and restaurant. They were still so gentle, but at the seaside, everyone could be unrestrained and free. The children were full of water, playing enthusiastically like a soup chicken; the boys bravely rushed past the waves; the red and blue painted boat was hit by the big waves, and the bow swayed from side to side...

A row of shacks and a walkway leading to the sea in front delineated the beach where the Despens Hotel belongs.

The owners of the locker rooms visit each other. Vendors selling shells, sweets, and fruits rushed from one locker room to another to sell their products.

Talking in various languages ​​reached Ashenbach’s ears:


--Hello! It's really hot tonight!

——If Silok’s wind doesn’t stop...

One by one will not stop, the weather today is worse than yesterday.

——Who knows what tomorrow will be like? Didn't you see how low the sky pressure is?

——Shell, look, what a beautiful shell.

--no, thanks!

——I beg you, mother.

--enough! I already said, don't buy it! The travel bag is already full of such things!

——Although there is no sun, the water temperature is still quite high.

——Yes, I heard that the hotel took measures to increase the water temperature at night...

——No, no seafood!

——The free trading of cherry clams should not be allowed.

——This kind of things may carry germs.

These gentlemen and ladies in the restaurant now speak different languages ​​and talk with all kinds of accents. Here has formed an international small world isolated from the residents of Lido Island.

Ashenbach was disturbed by these endless discussions, unable to concentrate on reading the newspaper. He still had no intention of opening those letters, as if determined to sever all contacts with Munich, because he had left all his old friends there forever before setting off.

A figure suddenly flashed in front of the line of sight. Ashenbach immediately recognized that it was a Polish boy.

The young man walked over from the left, his feet bare, his trousers rolled up to his knees, exposing his slender legs, and he walked slowly. He walked so steadily and so proudly, as if he had been used to playing barefoot on the sand. As he walked, he watched the row of locker rooms across the beach. When he spotted the Russian, there was a trace of contempt across his face, his brows were furrowed, his lips were bitten, a faint sneer appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he lowered his head, speeding up his pace to throw them behind him.

The boy approached Ashenbach, and the other friends ran towards him. Although Ashenbach did not understand their conversation, he could see that the boy was greeting his friends.

Ashenbach watched children playing games from a distance.

Everyone ran around a bunker piled up with sand. National flags are planted on the bunker. Tacio was invited to participate in this game that had started long before he arrived. All the children were calling, calling his name friendly more than once.

Ashenbach craned his neck and listened carefully, but only two syllables with rich melody could be heard:

"A-Jiao", maybe "A-Jiao".

Among them, the vowel "u" ​​(乌) Rad is special.

Ashenbach murmured and repeated the two syllables, trying to understand their meaning. As his eyes shifted, his attention was focused on the letter on the table in front of him. He put the travel route map on his lap, took out the fountain pen, and wrote something in the notebook.

Tacio and his friends put a wooden table in a small puddle, like a small suspension bridge. Everyone listened to him. It seems that the friends regard him as a small head. Naturally, we do not understand them. There were about a dozen children playing with Tacio. There were boys and girls. Some seemed to be the same age as him, and some were younger. They didn't speak a language. His "accompaniment" and most loyal friend is a sturdy young man, also Polish, but with jet-black hair. His name is Ya Xiu.

Tacio soon got bored and stopped playing. He walked along the coast with Yashu, and the two put their shoulders on each other. Suddenly, Yaxiu kissed Tacio's cheek.

Ashenbach saw this scene, smiled faintly, picked up a big strawberry and ate it. Strawberries were sold to him by a vendor just now. The strawberries are placed on the table with the opened wrapping paper.

Tacio dives into the water. After Ashenbach's sight shifted, he found that the boy was far away from the coast, with his head and arms exposed on the water.

The woman's voice was calling the boy's name.


This is the voice of the boy's sister and the housekeeper. They prepared a towel blanket for him, opened their arms and waited for the boy to come ashore.

Tacio heard the sound and swam to the shore, rushed through a big wave, leaned his head back, kicked hard, the water splashed with white water, the image of the boy was gentle, childish, and full of youthful vitality. When his head was exposed to the water, his hair soaked in sea water shone with golden light. It was as beautiful as a child prodigy. When he hit the water and surfaced, the charming and heroic posture was set against the harmonious scene of the surrounding nature, forming a scene. A picture full of magical charm.

Ashenbach put down the pen and paper, watched every movement of the boy, admiring it intently. With a blanket of towels under him, Tacio rested on the sand with his head resting on his arms.

Ashenbach forced himself to look down at the newspaper, but as soon as he lowered his head, he raised it again to see if the boy was still there, like a father quietly protecting the child.

30. Despens Hotel lobby, landing, elevator on the first floor, interior view, daytime.

The last few guests walked out of the restaurant and walked in different directions: some went to the lobby, some went upstairs, some went up the stairs.

Ashenbach walked to the landing. The elevator stopped there.

31. Ibid.

As soon as Ashenbach walked into the elevator, another group of young people broke in. They crowded around, making a noise. The atmosphere of their conversation was a bit tense, but we could not understand the content of their conversation. Tacio is also among them, he is the center of attention among his peers.

The elevator starts. Tacio and Ashenbach were close to each other, and Ashenbach was able to take a close look at the beautiful young man in front of him: his face was fair and his teeth were neat...Because he had never been close to a young man, he was so excited at this time that he could not control himself. He stared at Tacio desperately. The young man felt the old man around him staring at him for a long time, with his head down and his expression extremely serious. Ashenbach felt shy.

The elevator stopped, and the guy driving the elevator opened the elevator door.

Boy: Second floor...Second floor (English).

Tacio walked out of the elevator, and walked back two steps, although his eyes were drooping. Still found that Ashenbach was still staring at him.

The elevator door was closed and the elevator went up one floor.

Ashenbach was still uneasy, and found that the young man driving the elevator was looking at him, but he was at a loss and looked embarrassed.

The young man looked at Ashenbach with puzzlement.

32. Despens Hotel, Aschenbach's room, interior view, daytime.

We see the image of Ashenbach in the mirror. His eyes were still excited by the encounter with Tacio on the elevator. But when he focused on observing himself in the mirror carefully, his premature face, gray hair, and sunken eye sockets plunged him into deep pain. Suddenly, he felt that there was a lack of air in the room, breathing difficulties, and even suffocation, so he pulled off his collar and walked to the open window.

Outside the window, the sky is gloomy, and the sea is as quiet as a lake. Looking at this silent scene, I feel more depressed and breathless. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, patted his suffocated chest, and asked himself, is it sick? Or is it too melancholy? He dragged a heavy step back in front of the mirror, wondering whether he wanted to study his face carefully or pry into his own soul...

In the mirror, Ashenbach was pale, short of breath, haggard, and fearful in his eyes.

33. Flashback, location, daytime.

With a continuous burst of laughter, a close-up of a beautiful girl appeared in the camera. Her skin is smooth and moisturized, her powdery face is glowing, her eyes are bright, and she is slightly childish. But in an instant, her eyes looked confused and dazed again. When she pretended to be stance and forced her face to laugh in order to be likable, she was so vulgar.

Ashenbach (younger) looked at the girl with trepidation.

From the faintly visible shadows and noisy atmosphere around the girl, we can imagine that this is an entertaining gathering in a country beer hall on a Sunday in spring. The girl seemed to perceive Ashenbach's eyes, and her eyes became extraordinarily clear, sweet and attractive.

34. Stairs and rooms of a civilian building in Munich, the interior view, half light and half dark.

Ashenbach walked down the stairs cautiously, which was a dilapidated, dark and narrow staircase leading to the basement. A small door opened, and Ashenbach walked into the room.

This is an undecorated room, and a few poor beams of light poured in from a small window with iron bars a few meters below the ground.

Ashenbach was lusty, but at a loss... He threw his head in the girl's arms, and soon discovered that the girl's childlike appearance did not conceal the spiritual decadence, and the sweet smile could not hide the tackiness in the bones...

There are a few cups on a table, and two chairs next to them. There is a small closet in the room. Although the mirror looks black, it can still reflect the faint light squeezed in from the small window.

Close-up of Ashenbach's hands, putting money on the table. The naked girl lay on a bed full of messy bedding, staring at the guests in front of her incomprehensibly.

Ashenbach escaped through the small door and walked up the dark and narrow stairs...

35. Munich, Aschenbach's study, interior view, night.

Ashenbach broke into the dark study room, his heart was turbulent; Alfred's words seemed to rush in with Ashenbach's footsteps.

Alfred (outside the painting): ...not shy, but fear! You are a person who doesn't know how to be shy, because you have no feelings!

Ashenbach pressed his hands on the piano keyboard, standing there feebly, head down, feeling insulted.

Alfred (outside the picture): You are a person who hates everything. You are disgusted with everything and keep a certain distance... You are afraid of any kind of contact!

36. Same scene as above, interior, daytime.

The room was still half-bright and half-dark, and a strong beam of sunlight came in from the gap of the curtain, almost splitting the room into two.

Ashenbach sat down at the piano, his head down and dejected.

Alfred sat on the collapsed sofa in the background. Although he had felt that Ashenbach was disturbed by his words, he continued to speak up, his tone was much gentler than at the beginning, and his wording was somewhat restrained, but some were still sharp.

Alfred: Out of absolute moralism, you try to make the perfection of your work consistent with the perfection of your behavior. Any mistake will be regarded as a catastrophe or an unwashable stain by you...

Ashenbach: I have fallen, I am finished! Completely finished!

Alfred: I hope so! It is so pleasant for an artist to be able to be completely "degraded" or "morbid" by one's own feelings and emotions!

Ashenbach stood up slowly and walked towards the window, as if trying to throw Alfred's thesis out of the window, and he had to walk towards a simpler reality. Alfred followed closely.

Alfred: You have to know that the pursuit of pure spirituality is as absurd as the pursuit of a strong torso!

Ashenbach drew the curtains wider, he needed more light.

Ashenbach (almost to himself): I should heal my wounds...should leave here...should find my self-balance!

Alfred stood up, walked towards Aschenbach, and stood side by side with him.

Alfred (ironically): You have the determination to be a role model, and this is a perfect description of you! It is a pity that morality is too irrelevant for art, otherwise, you will be a perfect person, a person who will never change... It turns out that you are leaving here and determined to find your own balance, but you can only leave most people. You can find this balance the way you go. Do you know what is at the end of the road to everyone? ……mediocre!

37. Hotel manager's office, interior view, evening.

The manager showed a surprised look and asked Ashenbach politely, with a slightly apologetic tone.

Manager: Mr. is leaving tomorrow?

Ashenbach stood in front of the manager, nervous and gloomy.

Ashenbach: Yes. Tomorrow... out of helplessness...

Manager: I see.

Ashenbach added a few more words when the other party had no intention of questioning.

Ashenbach: ...I am sorry too...but suddenly there is a task...this morning I received a message from Munich...

On the one hand, Ashenbach was disturbed by the embarrassment of his attitude and the hesitation of words, and on the other hand, he felt disgusted by the manager's scrutiny.

Ashenbach: Also because of the climate. This kind of weather is very bad for my health... (After all, almost in an orderly tone, not politely instructing the manager) You have arranged my luggage, I want to check it out tomorrow morning... About my letter Well, if you come again next time...

Manager: I see, sir!

Ashenbach: I want to check out immediately.

Manager: Please, sir. I'll do it right away.

The manager's thoughtful service attitude makes customers satisfied.

Ashenbach sat on the sofa with a tired face and kept removing the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

38. Despens Hotel front lobby, interior view, daytime.

The next morning.

A waiter is pushing a luggage cart, which is pulling the suitcase we are familiar with.

39. Despens Hotel, breakfast room, interior view, daytime.

The hotel janitor, holding a large brimmed hat in his hand, walked to Aschenbach's table where he was having breakfast.

Gatekeeper: I'm sorry, sir, they entrusted me...

Ashenbach (annoyingly): Okay, okay!

Gatekeeper: Sorry, I should tell you that the small motorboat is ready... If you plan to take the train... Time is very tight, sir!

Aschenbach (almost hysterical): Time will not be enough, not at all, this habit of rushing customers to leave the hotel early is intolerable!

Gatekeeper: Please forgive me!

There were only a few guests in the restaurant, all watching Ashenbach lose his temper. In order to conceal his embarrassment and embarrassment, Ashenbach raised his voice even more.

Aschenbach: I want to have breakfast in peace!

The janitor bowed and walked out. Ashenbach made a gesture to call a waiter (the one who introduced him to Silokfun).

Ajinbach: Please bring me a newspaper, any newspaper will do!

Ashenbach gave orders and continued to eat. The waiter handed him a newspaper. Ashenbach took the newspaper and looked at it seriously, starting from the first line, without losing every word, as if it would take a whole day to read the newspaper. In fact, he didn't want to read the newspaper, but was forcing himself to stabilize his emotions, and he peeped at the movement of the door from time to time.

He checked his watch and found that it was too late, which made his nervousness even worse. Is there really not enough time? He threw the newspaper on the table in disappointment, got up, and walked towards the door. At this moment, the Tacio family stepped into the restaurant's door, and Ashenbach stopped, of course, hoping to see the beautiful boy. He got his wish: Tacio, as always, kept a certain distance from his family, and was the last one to enter the restaurant with a light and vigorous pace.

Ashenbach stood upright there, his expression excited.

Tacio lowered his head and lowered his eyelids as he approached Ashenbach. Only when Ashenbach was left behind did he raise his head again.

Ashenbach stood there without turning around.

Ashenbach (talking to himself): Farewell, Tacio! bless you! (Then walked straight to the door)

40. Lido Island, Venice Lagoon, Grand Canal, location, daytime.

A small motorboat galloped towards the railway station from Lido Island.

Standing on the side of the ship was Ashenbach with a melancholy and perplexed expression.

The gray sky was pressed very low, and buildings, small bridges and St. Mark's Square flashed past Ahzhongbach's eyes.

Ashenbach was sitting on the semicircular seat in the bow, slouched, silent, caught in a certain thought, only the roar of the motor interrupted his thoughts from time to time.

He looked at the city with the same eyes as when he bid farewell to Tacio, from corner to corner...

A harsh shout:

——The best choice is Venice! Wonderful city!

41. The small cabin under the deck of an Italian passenger ship, the interior view, half light and half dark.

The dim and dilapidated cabin looked like a cave. At a rough table full of messy papers, there was a man (apparently a dock clerk). We can see the outline of his face by the dim light coming through the porthole.

This man has an ugly appearance, sunken eyes, and a servile face, which is annoying. The harsh shout in the scene came from his mouth.

He babbled about Venice to Aschenbach standing in front of him, pinching the ferry ticket with his fingers and didn't want to put it on the table, so as to hold the other party to listen to his words.

Clerk: This is a charming city! There is no educated person who is not overwhelmed by the charm of this city's long history and its beauty today.

Ashenbach gave him a bored look, and took the ticket, but it was torn to pieces. The clerk was indifferent.

Clerk: No. 12 cabin, No. A deck... I wish you a pleasant journey, my sir!

A man walked out of the half-dark cabin, a dirty and dirty lame, and a servile seaman (the seaman who appeared in the fifth scene). He led the way, and Ashenbach walked out of the cabin.

42. Railway station, interior view, daytime.

Among the few people in line in front of the ticket window, a gentleman is covering his nose and mouth with a handkerchief. He is Ashenbach. He looked around and found that the emotions of the people around him were not right. There were also white spots under the ticket counter that hadn't dried yet, and it was obvious that they had just been disinfected here. The people around him covered their noses and mouths with handkerchiefs just like him.

On the wall next to him is a sanitation slogan from the authorities, reminding people not to eat cherry clams and oysters, and not to drink water in the canal.

It was his turn to buy the ticket. He put the money on the small counter in the window.

Aschenbach: Munich, first-class carriage.

Ticket seller (can barely see the face, put away the money): Let’s go today, sir?

Ashenbach: Today.

The conductor leaned forward, his face close to the small window.

Attendant: I don't know if you have time. The train to Verona will leave in four minutes. If you can't catch up with this train, there will be no other trains to take today.

Ashenbach (impatiently): I know, hurry up, please!

The conductor's head retracted again and immediately handed a ticket to Aschenbach. Ashenbach took the ticket, pushed the crowd nervously, and left the ticket office. At this time the conductor shouted again that she called him back.

Attendant: I'm looking for your money, sir!

Ashenbach didn't hear it at all, maybe he didn't care about looking for money and walked straight to the platform. His attention was quickly drawn to a man crawling along the root of the wall. The man gestured to the people around him for help, but no one ignored him. Only two police officers on duty came to him, bent down, and carried him away without expression.

Suddenly, Ashenbach found another minute of precious time was lost, so he dodged and walked towards the train quickly, trying to avoid collisions with other hurried passengers.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed in the waiting hall.

——Mr. Ashenbach!

He turned around abruptly and saw a short man walking next to him, with a small Hu, a Panama hat buttoned on top of his head, a thin body tightly wrapped in dark overalls, panting.

Clerk: I'm sorry, Mr. Ashenbach, I'm very sorry. There was an error, an error that should be blamed...

Ashenbach (his patience has exceeded the limit): Say it! Are you deliberately letting me miss the car?

When the staff narrates what happened, they appear to be even shorter.

Clerk: Your suitcase... has been sent to Como Station, but our company will take care of...

Ashenbach: Send it to Como? !

Ahzhong Bach could no longer contain his anger, yelling hysterically.

Ashenbach: I want my luggage to return to my hands immediately!

Clerk: That's impossible, now I can only wait...

Ashenbach: What are you waiting for? I want you to get my luggage back right away!

Clerk: Listen to me, sir, just leave with peace of mind, suitcase, you will receive within three days...

Ashenbach: If I don't get my suitcase, I won't leave Venice!

Ashenbach screamed wildly and violently attacked the little poor man, feeling out of breath. The small man not only did not pursue Ashenbach's rude attitude, but felt that the responsibility was on him, and he became more respectful.


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Death in Venice quotes

  • Travel Agent: You would be very well advised to leave today, sir. Don't wait til tomorrow.

  • Gustav von Aschenbach: Madame, will you permit an entire stranger, to serve you with a word of advice and warning, which self-interests prevents others from saying. Go away! Go away, immediately. Don't delay. Please, I beg you.