Can you tell all mankind not to eat seafood?

Vaughn 2022-09-02 11:35:55

Fishery Conspiracy (2021)
2021 / United States / Documentary / Ali Tarez/ Ali Tarez

Fisheries Conspiracy 2021 American Documentary

What is called sustainability simply refers to the ability to carry out a certain activity continuously, no matter how much loss the activity brings, there is a fishery organization that advocates green fishing to maintain the sustainable development of the fishery. In my opinion, just packaging the ocean fisheries can "permanently" The hypocritical tactics of "continuing fishing" is also why I began to question whether "sustainability" really conserves the ocean.

When the global media focused marine environmental issues on plastic, petroleum, and nuclear waste water, a new voice told you that fisheries damage the ocean by as much as 85%, and 5 million marine fish are killed every minute. At this fishing rate , "2048" we will usher in an empty ocean in front of us!

The documentary will expose the current situation of dolphins in Taiji Town, Japan. In 2009, a "Dolphin Bay" documentary exposed the evil slaughter of dolphins in Taiji Town, Japan. 10 years later, dolphins are still being slaughtered here.

Dolphin Bay (2009)
2009 / United States / Documentary / Louis Sihoyus / Richard O'Barry Louis Sihoyus

The Jiwei shrimp you eat is called "blood shrimp" in Thailand. You may have eaten it as a slave of Thai fishermen who had been imprisoned for 10 years at sea in exchange for blood.

If you say I eat seafood from farmed fisheries, I'm sorry! The pollution they produce is far beyond your imagination, and even the reproduction process requires a loss of up to 50%. This kind of waste of production and pollution of the ecological environment is something you and I have never imagined.

Of course, the film is not so pessimistic in the end. Environmentalists all over the world are also trying to find good solutions. Are there other alternatives that allow us to redefine seafood.

It is impossible for all of us not to eat seafood, but within our capabilities, reduce fishing and strengthen conservation, so as to restore the balance and health of the marine ecology. Under external conditions, the marine ecology can recover quickly. We can Saw the coral reefs and the magnificent schools of fish returning to the sea again.

In the end, only the most humane solution is to stop eating fish, and the ocean will have a chance to tide over the difficulties.

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