Mankind does not need to save the earth, the only thing that needs to be saved is mankind himself.

Dejah 2022-11-22 11:17:39

1. The Japanese have the most developed commercial fishing, such as the world's number one Maru Harilu. Bluefin tuna has been eaten by 3% and is about to be endangered, 40% of which is caught by Mitsubishi in Japan. The Japanese gave themselves a reason to kill dolphins: if there are too many dolphins, they will eat up all the fish they want to catch. (See Dolphin Bay)

The Japanese restarted their whaling plan. As an important source of meat in the country, shark fins are cut off when sharks are caught. Asia is mainly an area where shark fin is consumed.

2. MSC certification (sustainable fishing) is a joke, because even this organization cannot explain what "sustainable fishing" means. Just pay for certification. 85% of the income of this organization comes from the authorization and certification of MSC for fishery brands. One of the major shareholders of MSC is Unilever, and Unilever also has a fishing business.

4. The certification effect of dophin safe (to ensure that the seafood you eat does not harm the dolphins during the fishing and production process) is also very weak. Because you don’t know if the fisherman hurt the dolphins after he went out to sea, the observers sent at random will also accept bribes. What's more, observers involved in illegal fishing will be shot and killed by criminal organizations in the underworld.

3. The main hazard brought by commercial fishing to marine life is "accidental catch", that is, non-target fish such as "turtles, sharks, and whales" are accidentally caught during the fishing process. This behavior can easily cause the aforementioned fish to die when they are thrown back into the sea. The disappearance of the role of sharks and whales in the top marine food chain will lead to the collapse of the entire marine life chain.

European Union fishing boats go to the coast of Africa to fish, resulting in a decrease in fish catches for residents of the coast of Africa, which directly affects the survival of the residents.

4. The main reason why humans eat fish is not only to provide high-quality protein, but also because fish also has a lot of omega three fatty acids. But in fact omega three fatty acids are derived from marine algae. The concentration of heavy metals (mercury, etc.), chemical pesticides (hexatoluene, dioxins, etc.), microplastics, etc. in fish organisms is getting higher and higher due to bioconcentration.

5. Among marine garbage, plastic straws account for only 3‰, while discarded fishing nets and plastic ropes account for more than 40%. Almost every environmental protection organization keeps silent on these garbage, and only advocates that people use less plastic tableware. It shows that the interest entanglement is so deep that no organization can take care of itself.

6. The marine aquaculture industry is not so good. Including salmon in Scotland and other places, the farming density is very high, which causes the water in the cage to be turbid (imagine you are eating and shit in a bathtub full of water). There are many fish diseases. To a certain extent, fish are abused, and fish are not without pain. Human vision, touch and smell are all inherited from fish.

7. To solve these problems, the only way is not to eat fish. But this is not possible in the short term, but slowly there are solutions, such as plant-based meat substitutes.

Mankind does not need to save the earth, the only thing that needs to be saved is mankind himself.

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