The only thing I can do is to do my best to Amway this film

Rogelio 2022-10-22 06:55:51

1. Let’s talk about the killing of dolphins from Tai Chi Town, under the banner of endangered bluefin salmon, never mentioning that it is because of overfishing. The blame is on the dolphins and salmon fighting for food.

2. In order to satisfy Asians’ desperate pursuit of shark fins, they hunted sharks frantically. About 10 humans die every year due to great white sharks. So out of fear, we ordered "Great White Shark", but every day, more than a dozen sharks are killed by humans. ten thousand

3. In order to make consumers feel at ease, non-profit organizations invented tags such as "dolphin safe" and "continuous fishery". Although the definition cannot be given, many observers who are discharged will disappear, but follow the direction of the money. A lot can be understood in the column of management. When the shady is related to non-profit organizations, how desperate the road to self-help is

4. Advocate to reduce plastic pollution. But for the ocean, 95% of plastic pollution comes from fishing nets and related equipment. Why don't environmental organizations dare to mention it? Because I dare not say that call

5. The feces of dolphins give birth to marine microorganisms and create oxygen for the earth. Seabirds will also come to forage when sharks hunt. When a link is broken, it is human beings who are ultimately affected the most

6. The commercial development of fisheries has given birth to "trawl fishing", which can conceivably level the Amazon forest. But under the interference of international interest relations, underworld organizations, etc., it is impossible to be prevented

7. "Fishery slavery", humans and humans will also use and kill each other cruelly

8. Want to solve the dilemma through artificial reproduction? Take a look at salmon farming in Finland. Salmon carcasses that died of infectious diseases and fishing lice were discarded together, continuing to pollute the environment

9. Can fish be killed wantonly without feeling pain? They are more sensitive than human pain

10. The film may be a bit over-exaggerated, and the slogan "Protect the ocean and avoid eating fish" was also abject due to choking. I just want to be able to control myself and appetite. For all mankind, moderation may always be an unattainable state.

11. Very touched, I saw that the number of viewers was less than two thousand, and it was even more of a sigh

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