Film Review | Douban 8.6, Netflix "Fisheries Conspiracy": Japan's Dolphin Bay scandal, killing whales is actually afraid of stealing fish from fishermen?

Fernando 2022-06-01 14:31:35

Netflix's newly launched "Ocean Conspiracy" (also known as: Fishery Conspiracy) in March 2021 has subverted my perception! I have always thought that eating less red meat is contributing to environmental protection. I didn't expect to eat less marine fish if we wanted to protect the earth. Secondly, the biggest source of marine plastic garbage is not the straw plastic bags you have on hand but the fishing nets and fishing gear for commercial fishing. The Dolphin Bay scandal in Japan is really a small corner of the iceberg. Well-known environmental NGOs were infiltrated by interest groups and joined forces to destroy the ocean.

The absurd reasons for killing whales and dolphins in Japan

Do you know why the Japanese Dolphin Bay continues to kill whales and dolphins despite the global ban? To eat? no. why? Because dolphins and whales, as the top of the marine food chain, have become competitors of fishermen. In order to obtain higher fishing results, fishermen continue to kill whales and dolphins. WTF? Yes, that's such a stupid and rude reason.

Japan is the world's largest producer of bluefin tuna. The price of each bluefin tuna at the Tokyo Fish Market is more than US$300. This market is a big business worth US$42 billion. In just a few decades, less than 3% of the bluefin tuna is now left, and it is rapidly becoming extinct. The top chefs of high-end sushi restaurants in Tokyo, don’t you know how long these fish can last? It is Mitsubishi Corporation that controls 40% of the global bluefin tuna industry. When I checked the company's social responsibility report in 2019, I found that there was no mention of the ocean in terms of biodiversity, but the forest was very concerned.

Innocent and extremely high IQ dolphins and whales were brutally killed in this way. The Japanese police and the fishing village tried their best to conceal this fact from being exposed by the media until the front of the film was exposed.

In the Dolphin Bay scandal in Japan, another tens of billions of industry was shark fin. It is conceivable that shark fin has flowed into Hong Kong and the mainland of China. The film says, don’t think it’s scary to see sharks in the ocean, but see it in the ocean. It's more terrifying than sharks. Do you know how fast humans can kill sharks? Between 11 and 30 thousand sharks are killed by humans every hour. Without consumption, there is no killing!

Commercial fishing is the culprit in this industry chain

In addition to the deliberately killed dolphins and whales, there are also many marine life accidentally caught due to commercial fishing. As many as 300,000 dolphins and whales are "accidentally" caught by commercial fishing boats and die every year. Far more than Japan’s deliberate hunting and killing, and France is the hardest hit area, of course, the French zf is also trying to conceal this fact. In the documentary, interviewees said that 45 dolphins were killed in order to catch 8 tuna, and the tuna canning company was labeled "Dolphin Safety".

We have always thought that the plastic bottles in our hands are the culprit of marine garbage, but in fact, the discarded fishing nets and fishing gear are the other culprits of marine plastic pollution, accounting for 46%, which is even more harmful to marine animals. Significant, and human straws account for only 0.03%. Why is the commercial fishing industry not targeted by environmental organizations? Because the ultimate consumer is us?

The ocean is the main battlefield for suppressing carbon dioxide emissions, and the dolphins and whales are the heroes on the main battlefield.

If we do not look at this matter morally. Another major reason why we cannot kill dolphins and whales is for our own survival. When dolphins and whales surface to breathe, their excrement provides nutrients to the plankton on the sea surface, and these plankton absorb four times the carbon dioxide absorbed by the Amazon jungle each year , and provide 85% of the oxygen for humans around the world .

The ocean can store more than 20 times the carbon dioxide of forests on land, and 93% of the carbon dioxide is stored in the ocean. As long as 1% of the marine ecology is destroyed, it is equivalent to the carbon emissions of 97 million cars . While we are calling for the protection of forest vegetation, the ocean, which accounts for 71% of the earth's area, is obviously rarely mentioned.

The film pointed out that apart from eating less fish, there is no way to restore balance to the ocean. If we are urging not to hunt wild animals on land, why are we frantically eating wild animals in the ocean? Our hunting speed has reached the speed of five million marine fish per minute. Now, you just have to remember one sentence, if we continue to eat fish at the current rhythm, by 2048, the fish in the ocean will be eaten up .

The whirlpool produced by ocean fish swimming up and down has the same important function as the waves and tides. If there is no fish in the ocean one day, the ocean will surely go to extinction.

The logic cannot be clearer, killing whales and dolphins --> marine ecological imbalance --> ocean death --> human death.

There is no sustainable fishery, so you can only eat less.

Those who have come out must have to pay it back.

The cruel scene of whaling in the Faroe Islands of Denmark may be "comparable" to my country's Yulin Dog Meat Festival

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