A classic horror movie worth reviewing

Stewart 2022-10-03 13:02:33

I love this movie very much. The female protagonist’s smile and the male protagonist’s brilliant golden smile when the cat’s face is not shown are so beautiful. I really like it, and it still feels like this when I saw it again today. And of course the many cute cats that appeared inside also included cat corpses. Just like the characters, the contrast is great. Extreme beauty and extreme ugliness. Like this contrast. But after watching for so many years, I still feel that the monsters of their race are really too difficult to survive. It looks so beautiful and fierce, but so fragile, but it will soon attract a large number of cats to be surrounded by cats, and it will be over if accidentally bitten once. ??Ugh,,,

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Sleepwalkers quotes

  • [after ripping Mr. Fallows' hand off]

    Charles Brady: You're right, Mr. Fallows. People really should learn to keep their hands to themselves. Here's yours.

  • Cemetery Caretaker: Look, I don't want to take the wrath for this, I got enough going on. I just don't need this kind of action.