Shit to you

Colten 2022-10-22 04:40:35

It is definitely wrong to score too low, and you can’t score low because you hate feminism. All the stalks are deliberately trimmed. So the technique is still very high, and the expression is also in place. The big electric cannon hit the face directly. It's hard to imagine that this is something a female director filmed. Sorry, I have discriminated against women again. Back to the movie. The downside is that there are two splits. Either the entire movie should be completed in that ball cabin, which will be 100 times more advanced. Or it's all outside. Engage in the protagonist halo in the second half. After a movie is divided into two halves, there is still a problem of language inconsistency.

Personally like all the plots in the ball cabin. Closed and powerful. One red and one green light is even more beautiful. Completely unique skills. If it can cover the entire film. It must be a masterpiece. At the end, you just need to get out of the warehouse and receive it. The second half was hardly taken by one person. But it's also very good. Full of ridicule. There is irony. Brightly cursing. Men are waste. The Japanese plane bounces back for you when it fell down. Machine guns hit planes, and big electric cannons hit bats. The female discriminatory paintings are all burned for you. In the end, the mother nursed her, and the men had to look up. Can you be more enjoyable? The second half is almost a crit on "Wonder Woman" + "Captain Marvel". This kind of ideological crit can only be done by a master. If it doesn't mix. That's it. It's just that she may be anxious to do something. So all pinch together. That bat and the alcoholic husband in your mouth are probably the same person. Even if he is refined, you will also poop him.

Finally, there are the recorded memories of American female pilots. This is the root and theme of the ideology. Only then did the audience understand that this is the main theme of the American movie. If only the last half of the link is followed, it's okay. In short, he is a master. It should not be so low. Looking forward to her next filming.

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Extended Reading

Shadow in the Cloud quotes

  • Tommy Dorn: Hey there, Garrett. Mm. Now, the way I hear it,99% of WAFs is lesbian and 1% is whores. Now, you find that to be true to fact? And if so, which one are you?

    Maude Garrett: It's a great question, Private Dorn. We're 100% soldiers.

  • Maude Garrett: I saw... I saw something move on the right wing.

    John Reeves: They're called propellers, baby. And they help us fly.