2021 2 16

Reagan 2022-01-11 08:02:24

Virgil grew up in a slum, and he has been fascinated by crime since he was a child. Therefore, crime has naturally become his profession when he grows up.

Soon after, Virgil went to jail for the crime. In prison, Virgil did not succumb to the status quo, but cut it into the shape of a gun with a bar of soap, and then covered it with shoe polish. In this way, Virgil made a "gun".

So, Virgil called the prison guard and asked him to take him to the infirmary. Originally, Virgil's plan was to use that "gun" to threaten the prison guard on the road and then escape.

However, the sky is unpredictable. It's raining.

So, the "gun" made of soap just melted.

Then Virgil's sentence was quietly increased by 2 years.

So Virgil accepted his fate, and he turned out to be a model prisoner.

Time gradually passed. One day, Virgil was released on parole because of participating in a vaccine test.

After being released from prison, Virgil did not change his appearance and re-behave, but went further and further on the road of crime. One day, when he was about to steal a lady's wallet, he was fascinated by this beautiful woman. The two fell in love quickly.

Because his pockets were empty, Virgil had to go back to his old business. He picked up the gun and went to rob the bank. Unexpectedly, Virgil went to jail again.

Virgil was very sad after he went to prison, and he was also afraid that Louise would leave him to find another love. However, Louise promised that she would wait for him for 10 years.

Upon hearing this news, Virgil was full of confidence in life. He became a model again.

One day, a cellmate found Virgil. He told her that he and several other cellmates were going to escape from prison at noon on Friday, and he invited Virgil to participate in this escape. He told Virgil that no woman would be willing to wait for a man for 10 years. This sentence really fascinated Virgil, and he joined the action.

However, due to other reasons, the escape operation had to be suspended. One inmate wanted to remind Virgil that when the mission was cancelled, that inmate was temporarily called away by the prison guards, so the other inmates were all called away. I know, the mission needs to be terminated, only Virgil doesn't know. So Virgil acted on Friday night. At that time, he was still wondering, why was he the only one to come to the agreed place?

But when he learned that the mission was aborted, everything was too late. He has reached the range of the tower. There was no way, Virgil had to run on his own, and finally he successfully escaped from prison.

After breaking out of prison, Virgil and Louise moved to another state. The two are going to start life again here. A year later, Virgil's son was born, and she also found a decent job of her own.

But not long after Virgil worked, she was recognized by a female colleague. The female colleague used this to threaten Virgil to ask for money, so Virgil prepared to kill. But he tried several times without success, but finally, he succeeded.

After the son was born, the burden on the family became heavier and heavier, so Virgil was going to make a big deal. He enlisted a few comrades to rob the bank, but as soon as everything was ready, they ran into another group of robbers when they had already rushed into the bank. They also came to rob the bank. So the two pairs quarreled. Therefore, Virgil was caught again.

This time, Virgil was not sent to prison, but was sent to repair roads.

Fortunately, this time, Virgil escaped again. He reunited with his wife. Then, the family ran away together.

Later, Virgil became the most famous fugitive wanted by the FBI.

One day, during daily robberies, Virgil met an old friend. But old friends can't hinder the robbery. So the old friend was robbed. But this time, Virgil was out of luck. This old friend is a policeman.

As a result, Virgil went to jail again. In prison, Virgil recalled his life. He was answering questions from reporters while cutting soap in his hands.

Virgil asked the reporter sitting in front of him, is it raining outside?

This time, there may be some discrepancies with the film. Because I was in my hometown during the Chinese New Year, the time to watch movies was reduced a lot, and the time to watch movies seriously was even rarer. Looking forward to a few days later, everything is back on track.

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Take the Money and Run quotes

  • Virgil: **after another group of robbers enters the bank** "O.K., show of hands. How many people want to be robbed by *this* group?"

  • Julius Epstein - The Psychiatrist: Well, I think the conflict in this personality, uh, sorta started from his formative years. I think it gives evidence in his choice of the cello. For instance, studying the cello at the age of six. Is just coming out of the formative years, but the conflict is there in his choice. Because it is generally assumed the cello is a phallic symbol, I mean with the grasp and the lowest structural forms certainly a feminine, if anything motherly. In fact, the utilization of the bow, I would imagine is the sublimation of the stroking the torso. So between the grasping, the phallic and the stroking of the torso, would create, I would imagine great conflict. Even at the age of six.