Idle of Souls █ Thriller Recommended

Al 2022-12-05 03:08:16

Today I recommend a more entertaining thriller "Imperial Link".

The filming format and idea of ​​this film have actually been filmed before, which is very similar to the "Unfriend" series. I think the main purpose of the director is also to entertain. Maybe it was also planned to be produced when I was bored at home during the epidemic.

The film is about a few friends playing a horror game with a video connection. As a result, evil spirits really appeared and killed them one after another.

The entire film lasted less than an hour, and it ended very quickly. The editing was also very interesting. The director told the story in this length of time. Many techniques are still very strong, it is easy to substitute the audience into the plot and follow the camera to explore the horrible truth.

The production method of this movie is very simple. The computer is directly used for recording and shooting. In many cases, the director deliberately let the actor hold the computer and move in a panic and slowly, using this very slow lens to shoot the night. A very dark place in the room does make people feel chills on their backs. This technique is the usual technique used in horror films, and a terrifying picture and sound will appear suddenly after this very slow scene, which scares the audience. Although the equipment used by the director to shoot and produce is simple, the scare that this kind of horror film should have is still very tasteful.

If you also want to have fun and relax, and at the same time want to watch a horror movie, you might as well watch this movie. The above film reviews are only my personal feelings, and I also respect the opinions of each viewer.

Text editor: Old Reed

Public account: tattoos tomorrow

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  • Haley: It'll be fine. The woman is a friend of mine. So she's done it a bunch of times for me. She'll kind of guide everyone through it, we'll just kinda have to follow her instructions. So just please, she is a friend of mine, not that I don't think you would, please take it seriously tho and be respectful.

  • Seylan: So because we're doing this over Zoom, what it does mean is that we're slightly less protected than we might've been, so it's very important that you respect the spirits, and you respect each other.