The most dreamy season

Cathryn 2022-09-06 16:39:27

There is nothing to be embarrassed to say, but I just cried. If you want to understand the spirit of divine friendship in the ambiguous fog, then "True Half Understanding" is indeed recommended, but if you want to see how lesbians fight against the world and self in real life, then this movie really hits the heart like a straight ball. Although the entire film is on a very commercial road, the scars revealed are extremely straightforward. Even though the society has accepted them, once they are classified into small family units, personal emotions are still family issues. Don't mention that each family has different diseases. Even if we live happily after we get rid of the family, once we return to the family, how short we get along will make the secret torment in hiding. So people like Abby who have no father and no mother can face life calmly, while Harper, who has a big family and high-expectation parents, has to smirk the world with a big family. The happy ending at the end is obviously too dreamy, but the force of this movie is already stuck. What if it is not dreamy? Four stars are given because the abuse is just right. If you haven't experienced it, you may only see Harper's selfishness and scum, but even if you have experienced it, you will still feel sad. This movie may be ordinary in other places, but it is uncovering the scars. Impeccable on this matter.

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Happiest Season quotes

  • John: Hey, Harper not coming out to her parents has nothing to do with you.

    Abby: How could it not?

    John: Remind me, what did your parents say when you told them you were gay?

    Abby: Um, that they loved and supported me.

    John: That's amazing! My dad kicked me out of the house and didn't talk to me for 13 years after I told him. Everybody's story is different. There's your version and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words. When your heart is racing and you don't know what's coming next. That moment's really terrifying! And once you say those words, you can't un-say them. A chapter has ended, and a new one's begun. You have to be ready for that. You can't do it for anyone else.


    John: Just because Harper isn't ready doesn't mean she never will be, and it doesn't mean she doesn't love you.

  • Tipper: We have been so worried about seeming perfect, but maybe we don't even know what perfect is. We have one daughter who has been unhappy in a marriage and felt like she couldn't tell us! And another daughter who just had her heart broken because she was afraid we wouldn't love her if she told us the truth. And the only reason that Jane is okay is because we gave up on her after she wouldn't stop biting in preschool. That is very far from perfect, if you ask me.