No twists and turns, no highlights-"The Witch"

Dedrick 2022-12-17 19:09:11

No twists and turns, no highlights-"The Witch"

Let’s talk about the movie "The Witch" today.

The title (2020), also known as the Weird Queen of the Black Witch (Hong Kong) / Witches (Taiwan) / Witch reappears.

"Witch" is a fantasy film based on the children's novel of the same name by writer Roald Dahl.

Speaking of Roald Dahl, everyone may not be familiar with it, but when it comes to his other works, everyone is familiar with it. "Revolting Rhymes", "The BFG", "Fantastic Mr. Fox", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), see these familiar works, you It should have a sense of sudden realization, and at the same time, I have an understanding of the film style of "The Witch".

In the world setting of "The Witch", humans and evil witches live together in this world. Evil witches hate children very much, and their goal in their entire life is to eliminate all children in the world.

The protagonist of the story is a little boy who unfortunately suffered a car accident when he was young. Both his parents died. He has lived with his grandmother since he was a child. So immortal, the little boy met a high-level witch and a large group of witches. The little boy tried his best to survive, and at the same time, he wanted to fight against the trend.

The story of "The Witch" is extremely simple. The film is divided into two forces: humans and witches. Witches want to destroy human children, and human children want to protect themselves while also thinking of destroying witches. In this way, the two sides started a life-and-death struggle.

The whole movie revolves around the little boy and the witch, and the very simple plot is talked about for 90 minutes. But at the end of the whole story, you will feel a question mark on your face. What did you see in the end?

The "Witch" poster is too confusing.

Hathaway alone occupies 50% of the poster. At first glance, everyone was attracted by the biggest celebrity in the film. Who would have noticed that there are three little mice at the bottom of the poster... and the three little mice are the real protagonists of the film.

If the poster is made according to the ratio of Hathaway and Little Mouse in the film, the ratio of Hathaway and Little Mouse should be interchanged.

After the audience has watched the film, they will probably be surprised to find that there are such inconspicuous protagonists in the poster.

In the film, the little boy is quickly turned into a mouse by a witch. The little boy must not only prevent himself from being trampled to death by witches, but also think about turning the witches into mice. This is a bit of a classic illusion, "I can show" and "I can kill". Generally, the result of this situation is that the illusion can only be an illusion.

The exaggerated image of Hathaway brought the topic of "The Witch", which is a double-edged sword.

Hathaway brought hot spots to the film, and at the same time attracted the audience's expectations to Hathaway herself. In the actual plot, Hathaway is just a main supporting role, even a supporting actress is difficult to count.

It seems that selling dog meat with sheep's head is not the patent of domestically produced exotic movies, and Hollywood assembly-line movies also have this problem.

"Witch" can be regarded as a children's Cult movie, just like "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". On the surface, the color of the film is bright and there are laughter everywhere, but in fact, under the beautiful surface are all kinds of shocking scenes.

And "Witch" is a bit worse than "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". On the one hand, the actor does not have Depp's cult temperament, and on the other hand, the plot lacks meaning.

Don't watch Hathaway spare no effort to blacken herself in the film, but most of the time she is beautiful, even if she raises her middle finger to everyone with her toe, it does not prevent her from earning favors by her beauty.

In terms of the plot, it made people feel that Monk Zhang Er was puzzled. With the help of grandmother, the little mice finally played lonely, and the audience also saw loneliness...

There are no important highlights in the whole film except for the special effects. If you want to be beautiful, it's all scars. If you want content, it's all strange content. Overall did not meet expectations.

The light is not twisted and has no bright spots,

Strange special effects adapted.

Here is the distribution center for hardcore movie fans, welcome to pay attention: Miaokan Film and Television

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Extended Reading

The Witches quotes

  • Grand High Witch: That's how you want to play, we'll play the Shakespeare way.

  • Bruno Jenkins: Why are we mouses?

    Hero BoyDaisy: Mice!

    Bruno Jenkins: Whatever.