Star, smile, strong&Acceptance, forgiveness, love

Gregorio 2022-01-11 08:02:55

The ending of this movie is a bit unspeakable, not like the typical gap between fantasy and reality, but more like an unfinished dream.

Fall in love with New York, the world art center and financial center

Four words, drunk and crazy, allen who dropped out of NYU really has something

Allen really likes the perspective of outsiders' narrative. Is it possible for humans to challenge fate? It is possible that when pointing to the fate of others, at least from an emotional point of view, everyone can see their own shadow in Allen's movies, after all, fantasy and reality.

Women’s moody, Anne Hall, and midnight Barcelona. The old man captures women very well. In a word, women themselves don’t know what they want, purely emotional animals, and the kind that are vulnerable and insecure. moody, very sexy.

A bit like Manhattan

Woody Allen’s movies always come together in the last ten minutes

2000 years ago, Allen only had one of the most classic Cairo Purple Roses. Alas, there is only one black and white one. Black and white is really elegant. With that jazz music, there is no match, not romantic. Is that just here?

Kind of like it

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Extended Reading

Broadway Danny Rose quotes

  • Danny Rose: [to the husband of a woman who hasn't woken up by Danny Rose's hypnotist act] I promise you, if your wife never wakes up again, I promise you I will take you to any restaurant of your choice.

  • Danny Rose: I think about you in the long run. That's what I'm sayin'. You're - you're the kinda guy that will always make a beautiful dollar in this business. You know what I mean? You're what I call a perennial. You - you get better lookin' as you get older.

    Lou Canova: That's true. When I'm out there singin', I can feel the women mentally undressing me. It's true!